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As with most things where magic is concerned, they had to wait a couple of days for the full moon before the ritual could take place. Harry is understandably nervous, to transfer his mortal life into a divine existence. He expected to live until he was old, not even that long and now he has an eternity in front of him. What if he gets bored of it? What if he will want to grow old and die?

Despite the anxieties and worries, Harry already wants to be gone. He's bid his farewell and every moment he still spends in the town where he was born and grew up, in the only place he's known to be home, his paranoia wants to make him stay. Out of nowhere, he starts missing his mother or his friends. Panic comes upon him as Harry starts wondering about the future of the school. He is abandoning a complete life and he will be gone from other people's lives as well.

But then he thinks about the child he's carrying and he knows he can't stay. Harry knows Zayn would take care of them, raise them as they deserve but that babe will be born off Harry's own flesh and blood and he can't bring it in himself to let them go and continue living a mundane life. Perhaps he won't be very happy as a God but it is what he has to do to be with his child. He has a responsibility and he needs to step up and rise to the occasion. Harry knows what it's life to grow up without one parent and he would never willingly bring that misfortune on his own child, not when he can be present and take care of them.

The only regret Harry has that he hasn't been able to tell his sister. She doesn't even know he's with child. But he makes a promise to come and see her, wherever she is, before the child is born. Harry would've written her a letter but he has no clue where her business has taken her. Once he is a God and he will be able to see the whole world, he's going to find her and tell her everything. He just hopes she will forgive him.

Zayn said that he doesn't need anything special for the ritual, just Harry's blood and the full moon to draw upon its strength. Apparently, trying to perform it like this, when the source of the divine blood is technically secondary, it requires more power and the moon can help. As the God of the sky, he will charge the spell with the full moon's energy and facilitates a safe outcome.

When sunset begins to crawl in with its alluring shakes of oranges and pinks, Harry paces around the house, his heart beating like a hummingbird's wings. He can't seem to calm his breathing, even as he starts petting the orange cat that always hangs around the house on the cliffs. What if this is a terrible mistake? What if Hera kills him? He will be a God but even Gods can be killed. Not under normal circumstances but Gods have died before. Hera would be capable of doing so.

"Love," Harry hears Zayn's voice behind him. "Please, calm down. It will all be alright, you wil see."

Harry sighs and turns around to face him. "It's easy for you to say. You will not have your entire soul and body torn into pieces and put back together again, just in a completely diffrent pattern. I could lose everything. My life, my child, you. I cannot calm down."

"Baby," Zayn says softly and wraps his arms around Harry's waist. "I do not want to sound like I'm gloating, but I am the most powerful of Gods. I will have the moon's power on my side. I would never do anything to hurt you, or our child, even on accident. Enjoy your last moments as a mortal, dear. You will never feel like this again."

Harry blinks a few times, searching Zayn's face. "How will I feel like? Do you think I will change? As a person? Will my heart and soul change?"

"If they do, only for the better," Zayn smiles briefly, pushing Harry's hair out of his face. "You will start to see the world a bit differently. Your sight will improve significantly. Your physical strength too. Your feelings will change too. My love is much stronger than yours is at the moment because every emotion you feel is amplified many times over. Love, hate, envy, jealousy, happiness. All of it. You will also just feel as if your body wasn't vulnerable at all. As if it's just a shell for your soul that is completely dismissable. Because we Gods, we are able to change the way we look. I've told you stories before. But it feels like you are wrapped in a heavy thick piece of fabric that is slowly suffocating you. As you are right now, that is your true self. Just as I am showing you my true self right now."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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