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War is rarely short. It drags on and on and on, taking countless lives and ruining entire cities. Even if it is far away, it affects places days of travel from it. That's why Harry isn't surprised when Zayn still doesn't appear after long weeks. The news of the war has reached the small town and everyone knows that the war isn't ending anytime soon. Ares must've been planning this for a long time.

The people are afraid that the war will reach Greece too but Harry believes it's unlikely. Many Gods are actively trying to stop it, it can't go on for much longer. At least he hopes so.

If you remove the war from the equation, life goes on normally, like it was any other day. Harry teaches the kids, sometimes goes out with friends, spends a little time with his sister before she leaves for Athenes, all the usual things.

His favourite pastime seems to be going to the market now, not only for the incredible and very addictive baklava that he gets there every time. It's a good opportunity to chat with people his senior that aren't his mum and therefore aren't trying to force him to get married.

Harry's favourite market stall is without a doubt the stall of an old lady names Tasoula. She's so old she barely walks but she is very sweet and always gives him some great tidbits of advice. Tasoula used to be the town's doula but she retired because of her age and now she sells cheese three times a week. Her stall isn't popular just because she's an absolutely wonderful person but because her cheese is actually really good.

"Oh, there's the lovely grandson I never had!" Tasoula greets Harry when he comes to the stand that day. He just smiles awkwardly because it really is nice but how would her actual grandchildren feel if they knew?

"Hello, Tasoula," Harry Harry greets her. "How are you today?"

"I'm wonderful, child," Tasoula sighs. "What would you like today?"

Harry hums. "You've got something new here, I see."

"Oh, yes!" Tasoula lights up and wearily gets up from her stool with the help of her cane. "I tried something with the soft goat cheese. I added fresh herbs into it. Will it be good? That I do not know yet. Would you like to taste it?"

"Sure, why not?" Harry agrees. Tasoula promptly hands him a piece of the cheese on a little chunk of bread. As anything else Tasoula stuff into his mouth with loving force every time he visits, the cheese is absolutely lovely.

"Dear, you do look very rosy in the cheeks," Tasoula eyes him while he chews. "And look at that full face! Life's been treating you well, I see."

"Thank you?" Harry replies warily. "I've been quite happy lately. Well, not lately lately but life has been better since I met someone."

"The lover no one here seems to know," Tasoula nods as she walks around the stall to stand next to Harry. "You two must be quite excited. This hasn't happened in our town in quite some time."

"What hasn't?" Harry questions. Have people figured out his lover is a God? Is that what Tasoula means?

"A man having a child," Tasoula replies as if it was completely obvious. "It's not completely rare but usually, men prefer being with women so the opportunities are lost. How far along are you, my dear?"

Harry lets out a disbelieving chuckle. "I'm not. You're wrong. That can't be right, I've been with many men before and this never happened."

"Child, I am never wrong about this," Tasoula smiles somberly. "You do not have to be ashamed. I will not tell anyone either way. Come on here."

Tasoula then tries to feel his stomach and that's a tab bit too much for him.

"Goodbye, Tasoula," Harry scoffs and leaves without a look back.

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