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"Why didn't you reply to my letters?" Harry fumes at Zayn before they even say hello to each other. "I must've sent you dozens of letters and not one reply came back! What the fuck?"

"I'm sorry, love," Zayn says in a rather low voice, taken aback at Harry's sudden outburst. "I didn't get any of them. Hermes must've had a difficult time getting to me because of the war."

"I don't believe you," Harry scoffs. "Have you found someone else there? Has Hera finally grown tired of your lying and cheating? Is that why you left me behind?"

"What?" Zayn gawks, trying to come closer to Harry but Harry just takes another step back. "I would never lie to you. And I'm here now, aren't I?"

"I had to perform a fucking blood ritual to get you here!" Harry shakes his head in disbelief. "Have you got any idea why?"

Zayn's silent for a bit, testing the waters and trying to prevent letting out the wrong answers. "I don't know, Harry. What happened?"

"Alright, so you did not hear my yelling," Harry nods. "Fuck, I don't even want to tell you now."

"What is it? Please, tell me." Zayn asks, his face lined with concern. At least he has the decency to pretend like he couldn't get that information with the snap of his fingers.

"I'm with child," Harry sighs, his chest somehow feeling lighter and heavier at the same time. "From your spying on me before we met, I know you must think I'm a whore but I haven't even looked at another man since that night on the beach. So the child is certainly yours. I don't care if you don't want me anymore but please take care of the babe. If I kept them here with me with no husband in sight they would be treated like dirt. They'd be a bastard, which they technically are but you're a God and a King and I won't let my child grow up here when they could live a better life. That's all I'm asking for."

Harry looks at the ground because he just doesn't have the guts to face the man he loves and be rejected. He just doesn't want to fucking think anymore. How did his life get so complicated? Nothing even makes sense anymore.

"Harry," Zayn says softly as he comes up to him and lifts Harry's head up again. He gives Harry a small smile before leaving a fleeting kiss on his cheekbone. "You have no idea how good this news is."

"Why?" Harry wonders numbly. "How is this good news?"

"It's in power to make some with divine blood into a God," Zayn reveals. "I wanted to have you with me on Olympus so badly that I tried for the longest time to find at least a small, little trace of some divinity in you but there was nothing. Now, because the child in your belly is half a God, I can do it. That's more than enough divine blood for this to work. We can leave together today and never look back."

"Wait," Harry gasp out a breath."Why would you want to do it? Isn't Hera on Olympus? Why would you want me there?"

"Because I love you," Zayn says simply. "I've never loved anyone the way I love you. Why would I not want to have you with me for all eternity? Not to mention that you as a God could bring the mortals a lot of fortune into their lives. You're such a pure soul that I know you would help them with their struggles. If we do this, you won't immediately become a patron God of something. It takes time to find that connection and for it to manifest properly."

Harry lets out a quiet laugh. "Are you serious?"

"Yes," Zayn smiles and takes Harry's hands in this. "The only thing keeping us apart was mortality. Why not do this?"

"You barely know me, Zayn," Harry says cautiously. "Won't you get tired of me? What will I do then? You can happily run back to your wife but if you make me into a God, I won't be able to come back home."

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