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A proper Greek education consists of two main parts - mousike and gumnastike. Harry teaches the first part, which is music, poetry, singing and the arts. It includes a little bit of everything that has to do with intellect whether it's history, grammar or numbers. Keerie Sotades teaches this to the older group of students, who also learn about gumnastike. But since Keerie Sotades is so old he can barely walk at a fast pace, Harry's stuck with teaching the older boys how to take care of their physique and also how to handle a spear or a sword. Therefore, he needs to train in his spare time too.

This element of their education stems from the necessity for soldiers when war comes. It always eventually does. It's quite awful in Harry's opinion but what is there to do? Sure, he's fucking a God but it's definitely not in Harry's power to just casually tell Zayn to tell, or rather command, Ares or whomever not to have wars. There's a whole God for it after all.

Harry likes to train with his old friend Adrastus. Harry would definitely never feel the need to busy himself with trying to build up his muscles when he can do something useful instead had he not needed to teach the boys these skills. They're all eager to learn and Harry needs to keep up, he can't lose a play-fight against a fifteen-year-old. Besides, many lovers have complimented him on his body so it's not technically a sacrifice for the school.

Unlike Harry, Adrastus is absolutely fascinated with the human physique and sometimes Harry's certain he's trying to work on every single muscle in his body.

"Are we done yet?" Harry asks, full of hope. It's boiling hot, even though it's the evening and after training with swords and now spears, he's had more than enough.

"No," Adrastus says simply and surges forward with his spear. Harry blocks the hit, luckily, but then he steps back and throws it on the ground.

"You're a dear friend of mine, Adrastus," Harry pants a little. "But all I want right now is a pitcher of wine and some food. I've had a long day, friend. And It's far from over. Everyone's probably already waiting for us at the kapaleia."

"Alright," Adrastus lets on. "It's been a good session. I could feel the muscles on my back work like I haven't in years." Adrastus hides their faux-weapons in a little slit between the rocky wall of the hill, right at the edge of the small clearing where they come to train.

"They're not working right with the old age?" Harry teases him as they start walking down to the town.

"Oh, piss off," Adrastus nudges Harry's ribs playfully. "You're like a year younger than me."

"Yes, and I'm already old," Harry muses. "At least my mother thinks so. Am I old, Adrastus?"

"Your students would think so," Adrastus replies with a playful smirk. "You're not truly old. When you're walking with a stick and all you talk about is the temple like Sotades, then you will be old. I have kids and I don' t feel old. It's all quite subjective."

"When did you get so smart?" Harry eyes Adrastus suspiciously. "I thought you were just muscles and brute strength."

"I've always been smart," Adrastus scoffs. "That's why I married the loveliest girl in town."

"Poor Pherenike," Harry sighs, keeping in his laughter. "Her freedom snatched away by a wannabe Spartan."

"Alright, that was a low blow," Adrastus laughs heartily. "Come on, they must be waiting for us."

The advantage of living in a really small town is the convenient distance. Everything's so close to each other that it's taken them just a few moments of a brisk walk to reach the kapaleia where the rest of their friends have been waiting for them.

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