Chapter 23: Is It Ok?

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America didn't really want to get confronted by Russia, after all he did scream out his love for him like a maniac. He was sure Russia didn't feel the same, maybe like him but not love! God he was such an idiot.

When he finally wakes up, Canada is just sitting there looking shocked as hell. He calls out for his brother, Canada snaps out of his trance and looks over to America.

"'ve got one hell of a boyfriend" Canada said, America only looked at him confused "Bro what the hell are you talking about?"

"Russia! After you passed out he went apeshit!" America sat back done and looked around more confused "Apeshit? Like that Beyonce song?" Canada wanted laugh at his brother being high, he really did.

"No...look when you passed out, he..." Canada trailed off for a minute:

"Let me go! I-i have to see him!"

"Russia please calm down!" Belarus said, trying calm down her brother, Ukraine was having a hard time hold Russia down.

"Don't you see!? He need me!"


Canada looked back at America and sighed "I can get him for you if you'd like"

"I-i thought you forbid me from seeing Russia and Mexico again" America said, Canada shakes his head "Dude, I don't think anyone's ever going to love and protect you like Russia does"

America closes and eyes and smile "I want to cuddle him~!" America said, Canada just smiled and walks out of the room. Going into the waiting room, Russia stood up when he saw Canada.


"Go, he wants you; he wants to cuddle you" Canada said laughing, Russia looked confused but happy to see America again. He power walks to America's room and opens the door.

There lays America looking out the window with tired eyes, he looks over to Russia and his eyes lit up "Russki!" That nickname, that cute nickname that America gave him.

Russia closes the door and walks over to America's bed, he doesn't know what to do. Will he hurt America again? Did America even meant those words from earlier? He was after all still under the influence of drugs.

America reaches out for him "Come on, lay down next to me!" Russia shakes his head "America, that would be safe-"

"Please?" America asked, tone becoming begging. Russia feels his body move on its own, laying down next to America and hugging him.

"America, I'm so sorry" Russia said, burying his face into America's shoulder "Sorry for what?"

"For almost killing you! For putting you through all that pain" Russia told America, America eyes were still closed.

"Russia, you've never hurt me. Compared to what has happened to me in the past, you hurting me has never happened"

Russia felt more tears roll down his face, he wanted to talk to America about his confession from earlier. But he was afraid it could of been the drugs talking, he let's America cuddle up with him.

His mind was still unrest.

[End Of Chapter 23]

[AN: So uh.....the story's almost coming to an end y'all]

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