January [Month 5]

43 2 10

Brooklyn Sat on the counter, licking a spoon of vanilla ice cream. Ryo and Ginga walked into the room and stopped. "What...are...you...eating?" Ryo asked. Brooklyn shrugged. "Vanilla ice cream?" She said. Ginga looked bewildered. "What kind of monster are you?" He asked. Brooklyn rolled her eyes. "Coming from the boys with gravity-defying hair. And Ryo, hun, you look good with your hair straight, like mine." She said. Ryo blushed. "Shush, and we need to talk." He said. Brooklyn nodded and felt a little shaky. Ryo lead her to their room. Ryo locked the door and sat on the bed next to Brooklyn. "We....need to talk..." He said, almost ashamed. Brooklyn tilted her head. "Yeah?" She asked innocently. Ryo sighed and took her hands and looked her in the eye. "You know I love you so much. But...I'm not sure I want the baby..." Ryo said.

She slapped him. "What's your problem?! WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?! ARE YOU STUPID?!" Brooklyn slapped him upside the head, punched him in the mouth, punched him in the eye, kneed him in the stomach and bloodied him up nicely (Metaphorically). But Ryo never hit back, just repeating "I know. I'm sorry." Brooklyn grabbed him by the hair and forced him to look at her. "We're keeping the fuckin baby. Got it, fucker?" She growled. After a second, everything came back to her. Once she noticed his bloody, tear stained face, his hands that weren't curled into fists, his defenseless body, the horror washed over her. "Ryo..." She breathed. Kyari, one of Ryo's best friends, burst through the door. "Holy shit, Ryo..." He said. Ginga shoved past Kyari. Ryo fell off his knees to the ground. "Oh my god, you monstrous bitch..." He said, grabbing his fathers shoulders. "Oh god dad...fight back for once..." He sobbed. Brooklyn shook with fear. What would happen now? She looked at Ryo and knelt down. She touched his bloody face. "Ryo..." He flinched.
And that's when they heard the sirens.

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