March [Month 7]

34 1 5

Brooklyn's pov-

I looked at my slowly growing stomach, placing my hand on it. I thought about how great it will be when I can hold my baby. I slowly moved my hand in tiny circles around my stomach. It's so weird that in just a few months, I'll know if it's a girl or boy. A larger hand placed itself on my stomach. I looked beside me, my husband Sat beside me. I didn't hear him come in, odd. "Hey Tiny one, Its your dad. I'm only doing this because aunt Hanawana said it's good for your mind. Try to forget that I got my ass kicked by your mother, if you remember that." He said to my stomach. "If he had the guts, he could beat me worse." I said. Ryo looked up at me and smiled. We shared a quick Kiss, and he smiled at me. I felt like I was on cloud 9, but I also knew that I never should have laid hand on my sweet Ryo, when all he did was take care of me. I smiled and rubbed his head. He smirked and rested his shoulder on my shoulder. It's insane how much I love this man.

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