May [Month 8]

57 4 5

Ryo's POV

Pshhhh no I didn't freak out today at work because the baby is gonna be born in less than a month. We found out that it's a girl, so we decied on Kiley Jordan Hagane. I've decided with Ginga on a nickname already. Kiles or Jo. Brooklyn liked it, but she doesn't really pay attention to those things. She's worried about Ginga. But to be honest, so am I. He's been an only child all his life, he that there are gonna be another kid, how's he gonna take that? We talked to him about it, he said he didn't care. But I know, time come, when the baby is here, he'll loose it. When I got home, Ginga was crocheting something. Something pink. "when did you learn how to crochet?!" I asked. Ginga looked at me. "when I lived with mum. She would tell me to make washcloths." I winced. His mother was a sensitive subject to him. I mean, it's not like she chose to overdose on her medication, but it happened. He stopped and infused the pink with blue. "So what's with the color war?" I asked. He looked at me like i was stupid. "Gender neutrality. Duh" he sighed. I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Is Brooklyn home yet?" I call from the laundry room. "Not yet. She had a meeting. I walked home." I choked on my water. He walked home?! "You what, Ginga Sethium Hagane?!" I could him wince audibly. "Walked....." He said. I grabbed his wrist. "Why?! I would have picked you up!" I exclaimed. "You were busy!" He looked down. "I will never be too busy for my son." I said, kneeling down next to Ginga. He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. "You will when the baby is born." And I swear, my heart skipped a beat.

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