New Roads! Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Sir Ben Varrand, professional... 

I was in front of my computer, viewing my new video. It was twenty-seven (27) minutes long, started shortly before meeting with the spirit in my wolf form and ended after I finished the quest in my human form. 

I uploaded it on my Wall of Fame profile, naming it 'A Night at the Forest Ruins (Djaden county, Braeen Kingdom)'. I knew people would try to open the passageway to get to the treasures but I am deeply convinced it will stay closed, however, the players would be staying at the inn which meant more money for the village. 

I quickly changed my level to level 29 and put a new comment online. 

"A small video of a hidden dungeon in the Forest Ruins. Hope you like it." 

My profile was still at the top of the list but now I had a huge advance of 572 points over the second-rated player. 

I ate a sandwich and reconnected to New Roads! It would take another 3 (three) days of gaming for me to reach the city. 

On my arrival at Djaden, I paid the drivers and workers for their two months and one week of work and sent a messenger to the City Lord asking for a meeting to talk about the project. 

"So how far is it now, sir Verrand?" 

"The inn, smith shop and wood workshop are up and running. There are ten (10) homes to house the three (three) inn cooks, 2 (two) serving girls and the small farm. Each house was build to house two (2) adults and children, allowing the village to grow in time. The village and tunnels walls decorated in Druid's benefice and cleansing symbols and runes and statues about nature and flowers. 

The trailer lift, hangar, and safety rooms are all operating normally. 

I put the wagon driver Owen in charge of arrivals and departures at the lift and Landell at the Village. 

The soldiers are currently under my orders along with the management of the commercial outpost." 

"It all seems good to me." 

"Yes. I also have a lot of funds left after the renovations. They can be used to further develop the site when it will be needed, in a dozen (12) years."

"That long?" 

"There is enough houses for now and it will take at least a year before the first child is born. In that aspect I suggest the development of a small church, I know that Druids have their own wedding rites but some people may want to be traditional. My advice would be to start building it in a month." 

"It seems that you still have some projects for the place... yet didn't you want to travel?" 

"I do... which is why my Lord I have come here in person to give my resignation of the position of the Renovation Manager. I have given all rights to the very capable stock manager. His monthly reports will be in the same format as the one I gave you those two (2) last months. 

The men you gave me to guard the site are lodged in the tunnels dormitory, I made sure they were further trained to respond to any night attacks and multiple frontal attacks. \

They guard each of the tunnels entrances and the village. They will need a new commander. I suggest someone who has been part of the Punitive Expedition in the forest." 

"I see. If you have already thought all of this I doubt I could change your mind on the matter. Here is your pay for your work up to now on the Renovation Project! I wish you good travels!" 

"Thank you, Sir" 

"You have finished Renovation Project Management Position. 

Work evaluation: Excellent 

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