The Ultimate Soldier is born

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( I don't own my hero academia so please don't sue.)

(10 months before the UA entrance exam in the Tatooin shopping district)

Midoriya Izuku. This was the name of the middle school third year lying on the ground, half his face burnt from an explosion and barely breathing. Fires were raging as a slime monster was attacking any heroes coming near.

A tall figure dressed in black with a mask on approaches the boy completely unnoticed due to the chaos.

????: What have we here?

He picks up the boy and throws him over his shoulder.

????: Hmm. No quirk, huh? You remind me of him so I'll keep you alive.

He puts two fingers to his helmet.

????: It's me. I've got a passenger so bring us both in. Prepare the medic bay.

At that instant, the masked figure and Midoriya were swallowed up by black sludge and disappeared. Moments later a strong gale blasted through the district clearing up the fire and smoke. The #1 hero All Might could be seen shambling through the district appearing to look for something.

All Might: Where is he? I saw him charge in here. Where are you young man?

All that was visible were the scattered remains of the slime monster, the unconscious Katsumi Bakugo, and a yellow backpack with scattered notebooks. All might drops to his knees and punches the ground.

All might: I was too late! DAMN IT ALL!!!!

Elsewhere in the world, black sludge springs forth out of nowhere and the dark figure with the unconscious Midoriya on his shoulder appear in a lab. They are greeted by an old man in a lab coat.

??: Welcome back Master.

????: Doctor, take care of this one.

Dr: Alright.

????: Thanks.

Dr: I've got to ask, why this one?

????: He charged in there without a quirk to save his friend. I can't help but think that he would've done the same.

Dr: Heh heh heh. So what do you plan on doing with him?

????: He'll be of good use to Tomura after a little reprogramming.

Dr: Hmm. I see. Well I better fix him up then.

(Two days later, still in the lab)

Midoriya awakens slowly and gets out of his bed. He calmly stands up and walks out of the room and into an empty hallway. In the hallway he sees a mirror. Looking into the mirror he sees that his right eye and half of his face is bandaged, while his left eye is now red. He also notices that his hair is slightly singed and has red highlights instead of green. Continuing to walk down the hallway he comes upon a metallic door. Without giving a second thought, he opens the door and sees giant tubes with humanoid creatures in them. After walking to the end of the room he finds a chair in front of a bunch of monitors. The chair turns around revealing someone in it.

Dr: Ah, you're awake.

Midoriya remains silent and just coldly stares on.

Dr: Let's see if the reprogramming worked. What's your name?

Midoriya: Izuku.

Dr: Age?

Midoriya: 14.

Dr: Origin?

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