Chapter 23

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Once we were all changed into the pajama's, Ochako directed me and Shoto in making a fort. 

When we were done, me and Shoto were lying on the ground, barely conscious, while Ochako raided the kitchen for snacks. I shoved my phone down some deep crevice of the couch, not prepared to deal with the group chat.  It was probably blowing up after what Ochako sent. 

"Izuku, do you still have the weird gummies?" Ochako called from the kitchen. 

"You mean the vitamins that your not supposed to get into?" I responded. 

"Yeah those." 

"Not anywhere you can get them."

I heard an exaggerated sigh from the kitchen. 

"Then I'm eating all your gummy worms," She said, followed by a low rustling noise. 

"Your fault if you get sick," I called back. 

I slowly moved into my compartment of the fort, picking out a blanket to wrap myself in. Before I could comfortably lie down though, I felt arms pull me into a warm chest. I looked up to see Shoto smiling slightly. 

"Yes?" I asked. 

He buried his head in my hair.

"Your comfy..." He mumbled. 

I felt my face heat up at his words. Luckily Ochako came to my rescue. 

"What movie do you two wanna watch?" She asked, setting an assortment of candies and cookies in front of us. 

"Ariel," Shoto responded. Ochako looked a bit confused. 


"Cause she doesn't take shit from her father," He said. "And the musics nice." 

I heard Ochako snicker. 

"Ariel it is then. As long as you two don't fuck, I'll let you sit like that during the movie," Ochako said, smirking slightly. 

"Ochako!" I yelped. It didn't help that when I yelled at her Shoto only pulled me deeper into his chest. 

"You should see what the group chats saying. I'm the least of your worries," She snickered. 

"Can we just watch the movie before I kill you?" I asked. She laughed. 

"Like you could kill me. Your far to shrimpy." 

"I don't need muscles to shoot you." 


It took a solid two seconds before we both burst into laughter. 

"I am still mad about the text you sent though," I giggled. 

"You should be," She said, sitting down. 

"Shall we get the movie started?" She asked, holding up the disc. 

Shoto and I both nodded. 

Now starts the night, with shouting music lyrics at the top of our lungs, probably waking my mom up, eating to much candy and destroying the fort. There may even be a chance of alcohol being broken into. 

About halfway through the movie, after nearly loosing my voice due to singing along at top volume, I started to feel the mood seep out of me. It was almost like a tide, and it was finally ebbing away. Apparently Ochako's strategy was working. For now. 

Every now and then through the movie Ochako would make some snide comment about me and Shoto's position. All probably to inappropriate to go along with the little mermaid. At the end of the movie, I was so fed up with it, I almost asked if Ochako and Tsuyu had done any of the things she suggested. Almost. 

Instead I stuck an ice cube down the back of her onesie when the hood was down. She shrieked and jumped away from me.

"You jerk! It's caught in my bra strap!" She yelped, desperately clawing at her back. She turned on me with a glare that could kill. "I'll get you for this!" 

"It's payback for all those comments during the movie!" I retorted. She smirked through a wince. 

"You mean about Todoroki sucking on your-" 

"THAT'S ENOUGH." I cut her off, not wanting my mom to hear anything. It was bad enough what she thought we did when we started dating... 

"Please, call me Shoto," Shoto said, completely ignoring what the rest of the comment entailed.

"Mkay. As long as you call me Ochako," She answered. 

I smiled to myself at this. It was so nice watching them get closer.  

"Hey Izu, is it fine if I eat all your peanut butter?" She asked, reaching into a cabinet. 

"...What are you going to eat it with?" There was a high level of suspicion in my voice as I spoke. 

"...You won't let me have it if I tell you..." She responded. 

"Tell me now." 


"Absolutely not, that's a nasty habit, and you need to stop right now," I sputtered, shoving her away from the cabinet. 

"But it's gooood!" She whined, trying to push past me for the peanut butter. 

Just as I thought I had fended her off, I saw the peanut butter sail over my head. Ochako caught it gleefully. 

I turned on Shoto, who was holding a block of cheddar cheese sheepishly. 

"Not you to!" I yelped. He chuckled lightly. 

"It tastes good. Better than your so called 'number B sandwich'," He said, holding the cheese to his chest. 

"It's a weird cafe! All the food is numbered!" I defended. "Cheese and peanut butter is just flat out gross!" 

"Less gross than having to glance over at you and Shoto every five minutes to make sure your not making out," Ochako said from behind me. I flipped around to her. 

"Like you and Tsuyu haven't banged with people in the same house," I said with a smirk. Her face started to redden. 

"You said you wouldn't mention it again!" 

"I lied." 


Whew another short chapter. Sooo how are you all doin'? Did you enjoy the chapter? 

Hope you did. I'm completely brain dead and have extreme writers block, so I personally don't think the chapters terribly great. 

Oof I think I'm adapting to the new accent to much. 

Anyhoo, making this short, Votes and comments are appreciated, and thank you all so much for all of the support you have given this fanfiction! I'm so happy it has gotten this far! 

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