about me II

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Sydney took me to hers, she doesn't live with our mum anymore. She's 22. She drove me to hers and tried to get me admitted to a rehab centre, sadly you can't be admitted unless the addict says she wants to. At this point, I didn't want to. I was to scared to let go, I was better off dead. I was sweating, I was shaking, I just needed a fix...

Sydney refused to leave me alone, jack had been taken home but was told to keep this a secret. Syd was dapping a wet flannel on my head to stop me sweating but it wasn't working. I was really craving. I kept passing out and jumping awake again. Syd didn't leave my side, I didn't sleep at all the first night. So when Syd fell asleep (she's a deep sleeper) I got up slowly and walked around looking for my phone, luckily for me I knew my dealers number off by heart, I found the nearest phone and dialled it. He brought me round some things to last me for the next few weeks. I had to steal money from Syd but she didn't have enough so I told him to put it on Jason Loughlin's bill, he nodded and left. I closed the door. I sat at the table and went through it all, I had pills, coke and ketamine. I took a line to help me calm myself. I waited half hour to kick in, I hid it all under the floorboard then I walked to the kitchen and pulled myself a drink of tropical orange juice. I then slowly walked upstairs. I knew if I took a little bit a day I could eventually go without...

_a week or two passed_

Syd hadn't suspected anything. I was doing it more than once a day... I knew I was running out but couldn't afford anymore. I began to panic. I felt like if I didn't take it i'd fall apart. Jack came round on a few days to see me, alone obviously I wasn't able to see Isla or Ava. Nor would I want to see them in this state. Jack smiled at me weakly and walked to Syd, I heard a car pull up outside. I stood up and walked to the window.

That's where I panicked. I saw him Jason. My technically ex boyfriend as I hadn't officially ended it with him. I ran into the kitchen, knocking a vase over. I gripped onto Jack... He looked worried. 'Alyssa what is it?' then there was a bang on the door. I jumped, 'it's him.' I look petrified. Syd looks scared as well. 'Syd take her upstairs lock the door and don't open it until I say so.' Jack says passing me to Syd. We ran together, my heart was racing I was panting, she took us into a room. She locked it, I looked at her. I was sat on the ground. She was stood up, pacing around. 'I'm sorry Syd, I didn't mean to drag you into this...' I say panting. I knew it could end badly. I could hear faint voices. I hadn't had a fix in a solid 6 hours, I knew it wouldn't be too long till I needed another. 'Hey listen to me,' Syd whispered, 'you are my baby sister. You mean so much to me, i'm not going to let you die by the side of a fool. We stick together!' I smile weakly. I begun shaking. She looks at me funny. 'I thought we had gotten passed the shaking...' I look down, 'Syd...I haven't been honest. i'm still taking. I have a stash under your floor boards in the bedroom by the stairs.' I stuttered.

An hour passed and there was a lot of banging and I was hoping it wasn't Jack. I begun to fall in and out of consciousness. Syd was panicking, I heard the door unlock and she was gone when I was conscious again. I didn't know what to do. But in seconds she was back. 'I brought you a pill, you take this and we finish the drugs and get you help. Major help, you have to go to rehab, you end it with that dickhead downstairs. Promise me?' I look at the pill and look at Syd. Then, before I could take it or even answer Syd. Jack calls us down...

the atmosphere didn't feel right, I was worried. Syd held me walking down the stairs and there he was Jason Loughlin. 'Ah my sweet one' he said as he took a step closer. I looked around for jack and he was stood with cuts all over his face. I gasped. Jack smiled and looked down. 'I don't want to go with you Jason, it's over.' I say too confidently. He turns to the door, 'Now sweet sweet alyssa, if you hadn't just cost me a £200 in drugs i'd easily let you go, but you. You have. So your coming with me. If you aren't following me in 10 seconds I will drag you out of here.' I gulp. I don't want to leave but I know I have to. Syd is gripping my hand tight. I step down off the final step. I look at syd she's shaking her head. Jason was already at 4. I took another large gulp and looked at Jack. I mouth, 'i'm sorry' to him, he shakes his head and mouths back, 'don't go. Alyssa, I need you.' I sigh. I felt like I should stand my ground, but I'm terrified. '8...9 Alyssa you best be right behind me' He turns round slowly, I wasn't I was no where near him. He looked mad. I was shaking more. 'Alyssa fucking Avery, I warned you' I jumped and looked down, he begun to walk to towards me... he got into my face, 'You won't survive without me anymore...i'll cut it all off...i'll leave you to die, unless you come with me now!' he demanded. I gulped and took a step back 'i'll get help. I'm done.' I knew it was the wrong choice but what was I suppose to do...go back to being his puppet. He came closer and smacked me, I winced. Jack shouted, Syd cried. 'You coming yet.' I shook my head, so he pushed me to the floor and kicked me. I was coughing, he kept doing it. I was wheezing and coughing up blood. Syd was screaming for him to get off me and Jack was trying to push him away.

Within 20 minutes there was police at the house. One of syd's neighbours rang the police they came in and dragged Jason out. An ambulance was called...

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