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everything went black. I was on the floor.
~detective halsteads PoV~
I walked in and saw him holding a gun to alyssa's head.  He was saying something to her which was making her scream. I look back at Jack; if looks could kill I think Jason would be dead. I stand infront of the swat team. I look Alyssa dead in the eyes so she knows to trust me, I can see the fear in her eyes, she says my name. I nod at her. She can trust me. Jason's face drops. "You know my brother!" Jason shouts. She flinches. "Jason calm down" I say calmly, Alyssa looks mortified. "B-b-brother" she stutters. "You shagging my brother now? Dirty slag" He says pulling her hair. "Jason, it's nothing like that. I'm a cop everyone knows me." Jason shakes his head and puts the gum under Alyssa's chin; "Alyssa, I love you. I'm doing this so we can be together happily. With no one interrupting us" Alyssa squeals, "don't do this Jason..." She says, his gun cocks and his finger is held on the trigger. I pull my gun out and shoot once...

~Alyssa's PoV~
I fell to the floor, I was certain I was dead. There was a high pitch ringing in my ear. I heard people saying my name but couldn't speak, I was in shock. I had a torch shined in my eye. "Alyssa, can you hear me? Blink twice"  said a nurse. I blinked twice. I'm so confused. I tried to sit up. I look around and saw Jason led near me. My hands were shaking, I had blood splattered on me. I began to cry, "Jason!!" Jack came running to my side. He pulled me into a hug. I was still staring at Jason's body! Halstead went to the body. He shook his head, "you-you killed your brother" I gasped. Halstead looked at me, "Alyssa...there's a lot more to this than you think!" I stood up and walked away. Jack sighed, I turned round and he was talking to halstead and Corbyn. I went back to my room and stayed there, no one bothered me for a while.

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