Present day

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It's been 3 weeks since Jason was arrested. I'm lying in a hospital bed, 3 years of torture. I finally got away. Jack and Syd rang mum today to tell her. I'm not sure how the call went down as they both came back in and kept quiet and I didn't feel like finding out. I had nurses coming in every half hour to ensure i'm not scratching at my skin for drugs. I've been on a morphine drip for a few days. They don't want me to get addicted to that as well. But I can officially say I've been none drug prescribed free for a 2 weeks and 6 days and I haven't been happier. I have gotten use to scratching my skin when I crave, because I still do crave them and I stop myself by harming my arms and legs so I've been given bandages on my arm to prevent it.

I was talking to Sydney about possibly attending college and trying to get myself back when an unexpected face came through the curtain along with a nurse. 'alyssa is it ok for this women to be here' the nurse said making sure I wasn't under any pressure. I nod and look down. She walks to my bedside. Jack had gone out to get some food and Syd was watching me but she left as soon as she saw her. 'Alyssa, my darling. i'm so sorry' I look at her fiddling around with wires and checking my bruises. 'Mum...I'm ok' I say smiling weakly. 'We are getting him put away I promise! I can't stand the bitch. he did this to you he will fucking pay' she says angry as tears run down her face.

We stay and talk, ' are isla and ava?' I ask. My mum smiles, 'jack's gone to pick them up from Aunty Sharon's house and is bringing them here' I look down 'is it okay for them to see me like this.' I say looking her in the eye. 'Hunny there your sisters, maybe not be fully related but they are worried deeply.' I smile weakly. I begin to get a urge and start slowly itching my arm, my mum doesn't notice, she must think I just have an itch. Sydney walks in and my itching has gotten worse. My mum looks at Sydney. 'Alyssa, hey you gotta stop that' She says grabbing my arm and shouting for a nurse. I'm panicking. 'Please...just something a little' I say struggling with the nurse. Jack was at the door with Isla and Ava. Isla looks scared and Ava looks like shes trying to be brave. I'm struggling harder. jack rushes over and helps the nurses restrain me, Until they put something my system to calm me down. I don't know what its called but it calms me almost instantly. I breath heavily. isla has little tears running down her face and she runs to our mum. I honestly feel awful for scaring her. Syd rubs my arms and smiles. 'Isla...Ava, i'm so happy to see you!' I smile. Ava runs off. I then feel a pain in my chest knowing my little sister doesn't want to see me, in fact she probably doesn't recognise me. Isla stays and hugs me, 'I hope you get better Lyssa. I want you home.' I smile and cry. 'i'm sorry I left you for the last few years!'

The nurse comes in and speaks to me about starting my rehabitation treatment. I nod and except everything quickly, 'I want to be myself again...whoever I was' I look down. 'Look, you will struggle. It'll be worse than what your like now we can't give you anything to stop the pain of the craving. We will however help you control yourself. But also Alyssa, after the 2 mont long treatment you do end up relapsing...don't kick will get there. Every addict relapses 7 times!' I look down and up. 'I'm ready.' The nurse smiles, 'lets get you through to the clinic.' I nod and everyone watches me leave the room. this meant I couldn't have contact with them for a whole month but if it gets me back to who I was i'll do anything.

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