Detective Halstead

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I sat in the wheelchair watching the rooms pass by. 'Now Alyssa, everything will be ok.' He says turning the corner at the psychiatric ward door. I nod as the door opens as Dr Charles is sat there waiting for me. I look down. He smiles at me. 'Thank you Detective halstead. I'll take it from here' he says taking control of the chair. Jay stands there 'i want updates ok Dr' he sounds stern. He nods. I look back and halstead is watching. I smile at him. I look at my hand which is dripping blood. Dr Charles see's my hand as well, 'what happened here?' He says nodding towards my hand. I hide it. 'Nothing.' He wheels me into a spare room and undoes the restrications on my hands and legs. I jump up. 'Easy. Now let me sort your hand out.' I sit on the bed and hold my hand out. 'Now would you like to tell me why you ran?' he asks bandaging my hand up, 'Look, I- I saw these family friends coming towards my room and I didn't want to see them so I ran- like I always do when I don't want to face something' I look down. 'Why don't you want to face them?' I shrug, 'I caused my family more pain in the last 4 years than my dad did in the last 19 years' I try to hold back tears. Dr Charles looks at me as if he's studying me. 'I know your past Alyssa. I know your struggling but was suicide really the right answer?' he asks. I look down and think for a solid five minutes, 'Probably wasn't but at the time and as of right now it seems to be the only way to make things better. I'm so alone.' a tear rolls down my cheek. Dr Charles nods, 'hey, listen to me. It would never be the only way to make things better. it would make things worse. Imagine your mum explain to your family that you died. Not by an illness but because you threw yourself off a balcony. Suicide is the weaker answer and as far as i'm aware Alyssa Avery, you aren't weak.' Dr Charles stands up. 'Now you'll be in this ward for 72 hours and well monitored. You aren't allowed to see family. We will be running tests. No sharp objects will be given to you, we are going to help you. But only if you let us.' he walks out the room and locks the door.

I look around and everything's white. I walk about a bit and bang on the door, 'don't leave me here.' I begin crying. 'I want my mum. Please' I slouch against the door. If only I wasn't fucked up in the head I wouldn't be putting my family through this!

I woke up on the floor at around 5am, this must of roughly been a good 6 hour nap. I only woke up because I heard my door unlock. I sat up and stretched and in walked a young, frizzy haired women. She smiled at me and offered me a hand up, to which I take. 'Thanks' I mumbled. She smiles again and walks with to my bed. 'I need to change your bandage, is that okay?' I nod and hold my hand out for her. She walks out of the room and comes back in with a first aid box. I stare at it and my hand I wince as it actually kills. She sprays this disinfectant and puts a fresh bandage on it. She then pulls out of her pocket a few pills. 'Now we ran a few tests and we are giving you anti depressants called Prozac. Now, this pill is to help with panic disorder as well as your depression.' I look at her blankly, 'you think I have depression?' She nods, 'you've given all the signs and now we just want you to get better.' She hands me the pills and a bottle of water. The bottle being plastic obviously. I stare at them then take them. 'This is going to sound stupid but I need you to cstick you tongue out so I can check you've taken them.' I stare at her like what the fuck? 'It's weird I know but you'll be surprised.' I roll my eyes and does as she said. She nods satisfied and begins to pack up and leave. 'have you told my family about any of this?' I asked. She stops in her tracks. 'Detective Halstead has been notified and he will be telling your family.' I nod slowly...

~Detective Halstead's POV~

I just got off the phone with Dr Charles and he explained to me all the ins and outs of everything and it is now my duty to tell the parents. I grabbed my black leather coat and my car keys and begin to leave when, 'Halstead where are you going?' It was Voight. I turn to him, 'Remember the lockdown at the hospital well the girl was Alyssa Avery.' I see Voight become sympathetic. 'And?' he says. I nod, 'well I promised her i'd speak to her family for her as soon as I found something out.' he nods, 'jay, Jason's escaped' he said bluntly. I felt anger cross my face. 'More the reason to tell them.' He nods and shoo's me out. I run to my car and race to the Avery's house.

I knock on the door firmly. Mrs Avery answers. 'Hiya, I am detective Halstead. I need a word with you and your family.' She looks scared and opens the door. 'Jack, Ava and Syd will you please come down?' they all race down. 'mum can Corbyn come down as well or is it private?' Jack asks. 'bring him down' I say. She looks at me worried. They all pile onto the sofa. 'Okay, iam here regarding your daughter and sister.' The nod in unison. 'Now, I spoke to the psychiatric ward which Alyssa is being held in for the next 72 hours. But i'm suggesting longer.' I say calmly. 'Why? Surely she'd be better home' ava says harshly. I nod, 'Look, she has severe depression and panic disorder and she believes in her mind she'd be better off 6ft under to save you anymore problems. Obviously you think different. But new news has been brought to our eyes.' They look at each other, 'Late last night a young, tall, dark haired man escaped county jail. We did a check and it seems to be-' I was cut off and Jack but tedin 'Jason...' I nod slowly. 'But- he- he can't be?' Mrs Avery says. I nod slowly, 'I know its a shock but we have all our best teams out looking for him. He won't go near Alyssa. I have my eyes on her and if I have to put a bullet in his head to protect her, I will.' Jack looks at him meaningfully. I stand up. 'Can we see her? Please.' Corbyn says. 'I'll see what I can do' I walk out the door and back into my car.

The radio in my car was going insane. 'All units to the franklin hospital on tails street. Possible sight of Jason' I turn my car on. He is not going near Alyssa.

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