Chris is a bit of a bitch

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I couldn't deal with how awkward the air felt with this girl in my house. I stood up, 'Gabbie would you like a drink?' Gabbie nods. 'And uh...I don't know your name' I laugh nervously. The girl smiles, 'I'm christina' I nod. 'Well, then Christina would you like a drink?' I say making my way to the kitchen. 'Uh yeh, water please' I nod and get 3 glasses of water. I walk back in and hand the drinks to them. 'And ypur Corbyn's girlfriend?' I ask, trying to make conversation. She smiles sweetly, 'I am. And your Alyssa, Jack's younger sister' I smile. I knew she had been told stuff about me. 'You are really pretty Alyssa. Do you use Instagram?' she questions. I look down, 'I use to. But...I uh, yeh' I don't know what she was told and I didn't wanna tell her something and make her uncomfortable. The boys walked in and walked to my room with the boxes and bags. 'Hey, Alyssa. I know we aren't friends as we barely know each other but I know about your situation, and i'm here to help.' she smiles and stands up. I grin, 'it means a lot.' There was something about her that felt... off. Christina heads towards the door. 'Can you let Corbyn know I've left and i'll meet him later?' Gabbie agrees and i sit there and ponder. I reach for my phone and open my Instagram. It was filled with pictures of me and Jason and pictures of drugs. I had 50k followers and I was posting about my drug addiction.

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likedby @user1, @jackaverymusic, @Sydnieavery, @ava_stanford and 151,678 others

@alyssaaveryy back on the grind #dontstoptillyoudrop

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jackaverymusic please stop this

ava_stanford we miss you, stop and come home!

user1 imagine being 17 and addicted to drugs

November 2017

After seeing what I posted, I could feel gabbie's stare burning me. 'I-I use to post whole family saw... the whole world' I stutter with my words. I couldn't believe this. It was 2 years ago. Gabbie sat beside me and pulled me closer to her, 'We'll get rid of all these pictures and start fresh. Your better!' I smile solemnly at her. We stand up when the boys came downstairs, 'Corb, Christina has left she said for you to meet her later?' Gabbie smiled. he nodded I stood there looking at my feet. 'Can we start decorating my room?' I begged. I didn't want to stay in there with it looking like it is. We all ran upstairs and entered my room. My mum had brought grey paint and this gorgeous feather wallpaper. We start removing things off the wall. Gabbie and Jack were stood awfully close. 'Hey, Lys. Look over there' Corbyn says. I turn round and smirk. 'they've always had a thing for each other!' I say painting my wall. Corbyn nods, 'I hope you know Jack always made sure he was free for you. Even when you cut them all off. He always went to fountain park hoping to see you or even watch from a distance so he knew you were safe. He even wrote letters that were meant to go to you but he ended up throwing them away as he didn't think you'd care. He missed you!' I stopped painting and looked at Corbyn, 'I knew he still cared I just wished he didn't care as much...' I sigh. Corbyn looks at me confusedly, 'why do you want him to care less. some people would kill for siblings like Jack.' I nod slowly, 'It's not that I  want him to care less, he put a lot of things on the line for me and the old me never gave a rats ass about him or the others, as long as I had my fix I was fine. I'm a terrible person' my voice breaks quietly. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me tighter, 'you aren't terrible and never thing like that Lyssie' I smile at him.

We finish a few hours later, my furniture was up everything I smiled looking around. there was a few missing details which would be added tomorrow or across the week but it looks great for now. I had changed into some new clothes I brought. Gabbie and Jack went to take everything downstairs to be cleaned or binned and it was just me and Corbyn. I was watching him pull back the white tape that we stuck around the skirting boards to stop the colour running. He turned and smiled at me. His eyes were the most gorgeous colour. Mixture between green and blue. I was still watching him and he must of thought I was some type of freak so I quickly thought of something... 'Hey, any chance you could take a picture of me over here,' I walk and sit down, 'It's for my comeback post' He smiles and takes my phone and snaps a few shots getting all the angles. Christina walks in. 'Corbyn, what have you been doing? I've been ringing you' She stares at him on the floor as she looks around the room. 'Sorry, Chris I've been helping Lys and Jack decorate her room. No bad vibes.' He turns and winks at me as I stand awkwardly behind them both. She smiles at me, it almost seems sarcastic. 'Well, I needed you half hour ago and you were decorating some addicts bedroom. Marvellous' she rolls her eyes. That smile was sarcastic. Corbyn looked taken back by that comment but didn't say anything. I was struggling to control myself. 'Look, Christina lets go. You aren't exactly giving off postitive vibes.' Corbyn walks towards my bedroom door, Christina doesn't shut her pie hole though! 'Sorry, but once an addict always an addict. I don't want you getting involved with that shit, it'll ruin my- I mean our reputation!' Christina begins to walk out the door, 'Not so may be quick to judge me Christina. But my love, have no right to say once an addict always an addict. You do not know what shit I have been through so get your head out of your arse and shut you fucking mouth and get the fuck out my house, now!' I say taking steps towards her. She looks worried, almost as if no ones stood up for themselves in front of her. She scurries off. I stand there arms crossed. Gabbie and Jack both heard what I said as they came in 'Why did you go off on her?' I obviously told them and they hugged me and whispered at the same time, 'and shes back' I giggled. It was good to be home.

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