the fall...

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~Alyssa's pov~

I stood there. I heard my mums high pitched scream as I stood there on the edge of the stone balcony. She looked terrified and I, well I didn't even have an emotion. I was just numb. Corbyn, Daniel and Jonah came rushing out. Daniel and Jonah took my mother inside while she was screaming and crying. Isla started up yet. She wasn't allowed out, but i could hear her questioning Corbyn. Corbyn was stood there eyes fixated on me. I still had no expression. I shouted, 'Just let do it. I don't wanna live anymore' I was beginning to get pissed off. Corbyn speaks up, 'Alyssa I am not going to let you do this. I love you, please come down safely' He looked like he meant it. I balance one foot off the edge...

Then there was a breeze and I was beginning to loose my balance. 'Stop, put both feet back on!' Zach demanded. I couldn't I was wobbling everywhere. I heard sirens coming in the distance and so did everyone else. Jack didn't say anything he looked scared when I turned around.

Time seemed to past quite quickly as before we knew it I was balanced and stood on the very edge when a whole fire crew came rushing round the back, placing a black blow up matt down. I looked at it and I felt my face drop. I didn't want to fall onto a bouncey castle for god sake. 'Just come down nice and slowly.' this man said. I shook my head. Maybe if I jumped further than the actual black thing... I was really thinking this through. When a gush of wind blew again and I began wobbling. People down on the ground were gasping and before I knew I was pushed.

jack and I both had fallen. By the looks of things he pushed me and jumped with me so he knew I would be safe. I felt myself cry. I looked around. Jack wasn't on the black bouncy thing he was on the ground groaning. I stood up. Zach was looking over the side. I felt dizzy and fell down again. Corbyn rushed to Jack's side, along with Daniel and Jonah. I looked up and Zach as gone from the balcony. I sat there, I felt lost. I was tired. Zach came out and rushed to my side. I was shocked why was he by me when I his best friend just threw himself off a 3 storey balcony to help me. 'Alyssa, are you ok?' he asks looking directly into my eyes. My eyes begin to tear up. I try to push them down, then I feel nauseous. 'Zach-' I throw up all over him. My sick doesn't look right either.

Zach looks at himself them me, then I'm sick again and again continuously. I hear Jack screaming in pain. I try to stand up but I can't, I'm shaking. Zach stays beside me while I projectile vomit. Ambulance crew came. They rush to Jack's side. Jonah turns around and looks at me worried. I feel like-

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