hospital again

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When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. Getting detoxed again! I looked around and my room was empty, no one here. I hear laughs and cries from other patients rooms but nothing from mine. I sat there alone, bored and thinking about Jack. Is he ok? Is he here?

Before I could finish talking to myself a doctor came in. 'Hi, I'm dr Charles I'm from the psychology ward upstairs' I look at him and say nothing. He nods ' alright then kid, I'm only here to see if I should psychiatric hold you for 72 hours' I show no emotion, but inside I'm crying. He asks me loads of question, at first I refused to answer but eventually I felt compelled to. He left shortly after and I was alone again. I sat there alone watching the wires and monitors beep and change colours. I hated hospitals and worst of all I hate being alone.

Not long later, a nurse came in and checked my blood pressure and made sure I was ok. She stayed in and kept me company for a little while. 'Uh...can you tell me anything about my brother Jack? Jack Avery?' I look at her worried. She smiles small, 'he's okay, he broke his arm and a few ribs but he'll be fine in no time. I'll go tell him your awake.' I look at her excitedly and then I stop. 'I think it's best if he doesn't know. I don't want to see him..' she nods and walks out closing the curtain again. I sit there.

I hear shouting in the reception. Lucky for me my rooms right by the reception and I can get all the gossip. I get out of bed and walk to the curtain. I see a scruffy blonde and a black haired girl, 'I need to know where she is!' He demands. The nurse mutters something. 'Her family don't want to see her, well her brother does but she doesn't want to see him. I want to make sure she's ok! For god sake!' The voice sounds really familiar. 'Sir, I can't allow you in unless she or her parents say that's ok.' I watch them both. 'Well take me to her then!' The nurse goes quiet. When they turn around I see it's Corbyn and Christina. Why is she here? In all honesty she doesn't look like she wants to be here. They start coming towards my curtained off room. I dart out the side of the other curtain and run along the corridor. Alarms start going off and I hear a nurse shouting 'Code (! I repeat code 9!' I run into a corridor with stairs and keep going up until I reach the roof. I can still hear the alarms going off but I was up here. It was night time but the sky was clear. The stars were gleaming. I just need my night and shining armour to come save me now. I sat on a radiator pipe and watched the city. It looked stunning. Cars passing  by, tall buildings towering, windows gleaming every time the moon catches on them. I was sat there in one of those stupid thin hospital gowns. I was beginning to shiver. I heard sirens coming closer. Then I hear people shouting on the outside of the hospital 'you are on lockdown? since when do you refuse people at an hospital' I stand up startled, they've locked down the hospital. I peer over the edge and theres a police officer he's talking through a microphone thing, 'I am detective halstead! We have a code 9, a young adult, 19 years old and is harmful to her and everyone around you. she can't of gone far. I want this area monitored until we find her!' I take a step back from the edge. I'm a danger to the society... how the fuck?!

I go and put a metal bar I find and latch it onto the door so no one can open it. I sit back down and I hear banging on the door. I run and hide behind a massive pipe. The banging gets louder and then I hear a snap. The bar snapped. I was freezing and shaking and I was petrified. I find a sharp object on the floor and grab hold of it. I hear footsteps coming my way then I see a bright light directed at me. 'Are you Alyssa Avery?' The officer comes towards me. 'Don't come closer!' I shout and he stops and kneels down, 'hey, we aren't going to hurt you' he notices the glass in my hand, 'hey, lets not be harming anyone or anything.' I look at the glass and held it harder. 'I don't wanna be here anymore.' I sob. 'Hey, I am Jay Halstead the head detective. Let me take you back inside.' I look at his hand and look at my hand which has now blood dripping down. 'I am Alyssa...I don't want to go back in...I'm alone. My family don't want to see me.' I had tears rolling down my face. I see Jay edging towards me but I don't stop him. 'hey, what if we go back in and I stay with you.' I look at him. 'Your a police officer, won't you get called away?' I look down, why was I allowing a police officer to stay with me. I'm lonely but not that lonely. 'Alyssa, you've been on my radar for a while ever since Jason-' I cut him off. 'Look, sir. I'm just-' He shakes his head, 'don't say what I think you're going to say. I'm going to help you get better. Jason had no reason to treat you as he did.' He offers his hand again and I take it. We walk back inside and I see Corbyn and Daniel talking. They both look in my direction. Halstead talks to one of the nurses as I was getting pulled into a wheelchair. I was shaking my head, 'where are you taking me? My room is literally there?' The women restrained my arms and legs. Halstead looks at me, 'Hey- hey what's going on here?' He says coming up to the nurse. 'She's being taken to psychiatric ward for monitoring.' I look startled. Halstead bent down beside me, 'right kiddo, i'll come up as soon as everything down here is sorted,' he rubbed my shoulder. 'You'll be ok.' I see Daniel and Corbyn staring at me. Daniel steps forward to talk to me but I turned my cheek.

As I go past a few rooms, I see Jack. He was standing by a curtain watching me. We make eye contact. he steps in front of the wheel chair. 'Nurse I need a minute.' The nurse looks annoyed. '! minute hurry' He knelt down in front of me, I looked everywhere but his face. 'Lyssie, i'm glad you are ok. And i'm not mad. No one is. We love you and want the best for you' I smile at him then look down. Then I hear Halstead coming over, 'excuse me, I need to take this young lady to psychiatric ward.' I look down. Jack stands up and moves out of my way.

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