Chapter 7

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Beomgyu noticed the Colorless, Red, Green and Gray clans hadn't arrived yet. Johnny entered the room then looked those present over.

"Hoyoung, Minchan. I've received word from your king that you're to report back to his side immediately. If you don't believe me, call him yourself." said Johnny as he took his seat.

Minchan texted Dongheon and confirmed they were relieved of their duties of helping Mr. Choi. Hoyoung looked at the First king then away.

"We'll be taking our leave then." said Hoyoung.

Taehyun watched as they left without another word. He looked at his king who seemed highly bothered by everything.

"First king, I mean no disrespect. You have done a lot for us. However, your lax behavior is atrocious. While you and those party freaks were relaxing, the rest of us got our hands dirty and focused on our real task. You have no sense of urgency. You'd be the last person on this planet NCity would think of relying on. Those Veris aren't an exception either, but at least they found something that was worth noting. First king, it's about time you've stepped down." Johnny lectured as he wasn't the only one fed up with Beomgyu's antics. "That or shape the fuck up. I don't know why such skilled people like Taehyun and Kai follow you. God forbid we face something life threatening. When was the last time you fought? Your treasured clansman could be dead or dying, yet you have time to stop and party. Think about it, First king."

Johnny turned on his heel and left. Hendery closed the door then followed after Johnny. He had heard everything. He understood why he hated the First king. For five years he's done nothing but sit holed up in his home doing nothing while they're constantly out and about protecting citizens and establishing order.

"Mr. Seo, I really feel honored being able to serve under you. I will never feel regret in my decision of becoming a part of NCity." Hendery said with sincerity.

Johnny stopped and so did Hendery.

"Hendery, don't think so highly of me. Even I have my nasty qualities." said Johnny before entering his office.

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Kai looked at the three of them and wondered how much longer they had. Gyehyeon was worried as well.

"You know, I thought Younghoon and Jooan would be here since we are... Guess they just wanted us..." Kai commented as he watched them writhe in pain. "Gyehyeon, can't you do something about their pain?"

"I'd have to touch them with my bare hands, but they're covered." Gyehyeon responded.

"Come this way, I'll help. A bit more... perfect." Kai said as he started to try taking off the gloves.

Doyoung watched as Kai and Gyehyeon did something hidden from his sight. He looked over at Jeongin who was unmoving. Junghak was pretty still as well. He weakly wormed over to Jeongin and nudged him with his head.

"Jeongin... are you awake...?" Doyoung asked quietly.

"I am..." Junghak responded instead.

Jeongin remained still. Doyoung could see dried blood all over his body. His body probably was in worse shape. He peeked over at Junghak then frowned. His arm looked broken.

"Do you need both hands?" Kai asked as he got one glove off.

"For it to work better, yes." he responded then noticed their moving bodies. "Doyoung! Don't worry, Kai's freeing my hands so I can heal you three."

"But doesn't it drain your stamina?" Doyoung asked weakly.

"You three could die like this. What's a little stamina loss?" replied Gyehyeon as he could feel the other glove coming off.

Kai finally got it off and Gyehyeon wasted no time scooting over to them and starting with Jeongin.

"How long would it take to completely heal him?" Doyoung asked.

"An hour. To a stable condition would take no longer than fifteen minutes." Gyehyeon replied.

"Fully heal him then do Junghak. They need it more." said Doyoung as he lied on his back. "We can only hope Junghak's message got through to them."

"I tried my best... I don't know how they found me so far away..." Junghak said as he thought about it. "The only people with internet and public influence are NCity and F.S.S."

"So you're saying one of them purposefully put your face out there and maybe offered a reward?" Gyehyeon asked as he could feel Jeongin's vitals getting back on track.

"It's the only logical explanation. The general public knows better not to mess with clans. Only clans mess with clans. We can ween out NCity because we strive for structure, peace and order. Johnny wouldn't do something underhanded like this." Doyoung said as he pieced it together. "But why F.S.S...?"

"Who knows... Maybe they're getting fed up with certain people." Kai said as he glanced at Jeongin.

"What are you trying to insinuate, First king's trash?" Doyoung spat.

"Excuse me but you're in no position to get snarky with me. If it wasn't for me, you and that stupid Red would be nearing death in a few days, no, hours if the people who captured us ignored you both again." Kai countered angrily.

"Everyone, let's calm down. Remember our situation. We need to work together for now and get help. Notify someone where we are." Gyehyeon said softly.

"You're like a breath of fresh air, Yeon..." Junghak said as he looked up at Gyehyeon.

"I'm just trying to make sure none of us go mad. The moment we do is the beginning of our demise." Gyehyeon explained as he specifically looked at Doyoung and Kai.

Jeongin groaned in pain then opened his eyes. He looked around and absorbed information.

"Welcome back to the living. We missed you." Gyehyeon said sweetly as he switched from his chest to his head. "Just relax, I'm healing you."

"Wait, doesn't that... drain you...?" Jeongin asked slowly.

"If it means I can save a life, I don't really care." he responded cheerfully.

"You really remind me of the Gold king, but sweeter." Junghak said quietly.

The others nodded in agreement. Gyehyeon became flustered and lost concentration. Jeongin felt the pain almost immediately.

"Ah! Sorry!" apologized Gyehyeon as he went back to treating him.

✵ ✹ ✵ ✹

"Have they found us out yet?" a voice asked from high up in their seat.

"No, sir. I've been uneasy since Junghak escaped and removing Younghoon and Jooan from the room. Out of the five of them, Doyoung is really the main threat because of his intellect. In terms of power, Jeongin would take the top." a voice responded while kneeling.

"Use any means necessary to throw them off the scent. We're so close to our goal. Once we get the orb, I'll be the only king!" said the first voice before laughing loudly.

"Sir, the Fourth king has requested an audience with you. How shall we respond?" another voice asked.

The person sat back and folded their hands in front of them.

"Give him a warm welcome." they said with a smile.

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