Chapter 14

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Haknyeon walked over to the orb, tears falling from his eyes.

"Give me back my king, you stupid object!" he shouted, being held back by Juyeon.

"Stop! This isn't going to solve anything." Juyeon shouted as he held Haknyeon tighter.

Adonis started to shake as it rose into the sky. Seven colors started to pour out of it and started to take a form, each color representing a king. Juyeon backed up with Haknyeon as it started to grow bigger.

Kyeongheon watched in disbelief as Jooan collapsed right before his eyes. He along with Younghoon and Doyoung started to become particles just his king. He and Eson grabbed at their particles, watching them slip through their fingers and out the door.

The other right hands turned into particles, aiding in the monster's growth. Civilians started screaming at the top of their lungs as they ran away. The monster stood completely still. Was it incomplete? It opened its mouth and a large area had exploded and gone up in flames. Haknyeon and Juyeon looked at each other before hiding from its sight. The ground shook with each step it took.

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Hyogi fell to his knees as the particles had led him into the city. He saw smoke rising up into the sky. Was there a fire? He freaked out at the sound of yet another area being blown to pieces.

"This is..." Hyogi climbed a tree then jumped onto a fire escape to get a better view of things from a roof. "No... no way..."

He saw destruction. He saw that multicolored monster. Minhyun's dream was coming to life. He looked at his hands and wondered how much time he had left before becoming particles himself. He balled his hands into fists, wanting to do something before his time came.

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Taehyun rubbed his eyes and took in his surroundings. Kyeongheon and Eson sat with tear stained cheeks. Changmin and Hyunjoon started to stir as well.

"What happened...?" asked Taehyun.

Hendery shot up and looked around.

"Where's Doyoung?" he asked frantically.

"Would you believe us if we said our king, Jooan, Younghoon and Doyoung turned into particles and flew away towards where we saw a beam of light?" asked Kyeongheon, accurately describing what occurred.

"Stop joking around." fussed Hendery.

He looked at Carmine who fought back tears. They weren't joking. Taehyun turned on the TV which was tuned into the news. All eyes were on it as it talked about a multicolored monster destroying the city.

"Those colors..." Hyunjoon said, knowing that green color anywhere.

"Silver, gold, red, blue, green, gray and white..." Taehyun said as he looked from left to right. "I'm not saying it's definite... but what if those colors... and the ones who turned into particles..."

"No way! Doyoung would never be done in by something like this!" Hendery shouted, not wanting to consider it.

Kyeongheon's phone rang and he was slow to answer. His eyes widened as he looked at Hendery.

"Your king... he... he turned into particles... just like mine..." said Kyeongheon, his eyes welling up again.

Hendery took the phone as Kyeongheon weeped.

"I saw it all. He ran out then doubled over in pain and fell down the stairs. He then turned into particles, heading towards the beam of light we saw. And I followed them and it led me to this humongous creature!" explained Jeno as he dodged falling debris. "I don't know what's going on, but our king is definitely in that monster. I need your help, come quickly!"

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