Chapter 8

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Hendery, Mark, Jungwoo and Jisung surrounded Johnny from the front, behind and on the sides. None of them had visited the F.S.S headquarters before. A person stepped out of the shadows and kneeled.

"Welcome to our headquarters. Mr. Sohn is expecting you." said the person who rose from kneeling to lead the way.

"Heo Hyunjoon, alias Hwall. Big fan of Kim Younghoon and the king himself. You've taken down any and every opponent sent your way." said Johnny as they walked up the massive flight of stairs.

"They don't call you the technical nerd for nothing." Hwall said with a laugh.

Hendery moved to draw his sword but was stopped by Johnny. He let out a sigh and kept moving. Hwall pushed open the double doors and led them inside.

"Mr. Sohn, they have arrived." Hwall shouted as he knelt.

The lights turned on and showed the Green king descending in his seat. Johnny looked upon him with disdain. The Green king was more full of himself than the idiotic Red king.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you again, Johnjohn?" the Green king asked cutely.

"Zip it, pint size. Your men have been working diligently, yet you haven't lifted a finger to do anything. Though, the same can be said about the Gold king." Johnny said with crossed arms. "Aren't you concerned about the well being of Younghoon, Eric?"

Eric sighed then descended the stairs to his throne. He tsked as he walked over to Johnny.

"Stuck up and high strung as usual. Don't you get tired of it?" Eric asked as he had Johnny's clansmen taken outside the room. "Don't you get tired of being looked down upon by Woojin? Yeonho? Beomgyu even?"

"Get to your point." fussed Johnny impatiently.

"My men are strong and capable enough to not need my interference. Plus, I don't like the other kings. Especially the First king. Oh, I don't like you too." said Eric enthusiastically. "And so you're probably wondering why I welcomed you so nicely? I'm not barbaric like those idiot Reds."

"One thing we can agree on." muttered Johnny. "Either way, we need your network influence to find our missing men. Haknyeon and Juyeon said they couldn't do anything without permission."

"Permission granted." said Eric with a smile. "Is that all you came for?"

"Yes. I'll take my leave now." Johnny said as he turned on his heel.

"Please, don't ever come back. I can't guarantee your next visit here will be pleasant." said Eric with ice cold eyes.

Hwall closed the door then knelt. Juyeon, Haknyeon, and Changmin joined him on the floor. Eric glanced to the side with a smile as Younghoon stepped out from the shadows and knelt in front of the other four.

"Everything is running just as expected. Continue to dance in the palm of my hands until..." said Eric as he looked at his hands before balling them into fists. "...I destroy you in one fell swoop."

Footsteps were heard and Shihyun appeared from another room. He looked at the Green clan then felt protective arms wrap around him.

"Is there a meeting or something?" Shihyun asked through a yawn as Jooan happily clung to him.

"The Fourth king paid us a little visit. Little does he know that he's the most important pawn in this game we're playing." said Eric as he stepped forward, standing right in front of Younghoon. "Everything will be ours once we get the Gold clan isolated from the others."

"Don't hurt Jaemin and his clansmen or else I'll reveal everything." said Shihyun sternly.

"I know. You and your weird love for Jaemin. Why did you bother saving his life?" Eric asked full of curiosity.

"I know what it's like being treated as the weakest king. I hate being treated that way. Everyone is strong in their own way. Why do we have a stupid power ranking system?" Shihyun complained loudly. "It's stupid! It's biased! We need a change. I'm not saying we all have to be best friends and sing Kumbaya, but we should at least help other clans in need."

Eric smiled softly. Under all that fake bubbly exterior and harsh interior, Shihyun was the softest and most sensitive king he's met in his lifetime so far. It hurt him slightly knowing that he'd betray such a gentle person to achieve his own personal goal.

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Taehyun looked at Beomgyu who sat on the roof in silence. It would be concerning if his king didn't take a hard blow from what the Blue king had said the other day. Most of what he said was right. His king became a recluse of his own will whereas Jaemin was forced. There were times within the span of five years that others had asked for help. Beomgyu simply ignored them saying they're strong once their hearts are one with their clansmen.

Taehyun could see the truth in what his king said, but a demonstration probably would've been best before saying it. Now all kings hated him except Mr. Ju, his oldest friend.

"Taehyun, do you think it's time I've stepped down?" Beomgyu asked quietly.

"I think you're an amazing king, sir. Mr. Seo did make points, but simply giving up because he pointed them out makes you weak. Owning your mistakes and flaws and doing something about it and learning from it makes you strong." said Taehyun, letting his thoughts pour out. "Mr. Seo and the others may hate you, but see it from this perspective. Mr. Seo could've made his speech short and simply called you, excuse my language, a shit king and left it at that. He took the time to explain and point things out. He wants you to do better."

Beomgyu remained silent as he thought it over. Taehyun hoped he didn't step out of line. He was simply mimicking what Kai would've done.

"You have a point. I've just got to do better." said Beomgyu as he lifted his head high. "And we can start by helping with searching for the areas Junghak described."

Taehyun smiles happily to see his king back in high spirits.

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