Chapter 9

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Younghoon quietly worked on their separation from the Gray clan, making sure they had a place to hide out while everything went down. It was Eric's special request only made know to him. Younghoon was Eric's first clansmen. They were friends for a few years to top it off.

"Younghoon." a voice called out as footsteps echoed in the quiet room.

He instantly switched to mundane work as Jooan sauntered over.

"What? I'm busy planning the heist." Younghoon muttered as he looked over the Veri headquarters.

"I'm well aware what your self centered king is up to. Does he really know what he's doing?" Jooan asked as he wrapped his arms around Younghoon's neck. "Can he really control the orb?"

"I have faith in him. You should focus on protecting your own king." replied Younghoon as he finished devising their distraction, entry and getaway. "It's not often Eric cares about someone's wellbeing."

Jooan hummed as he looked over the plans. The only thing left was to isolate Veri so they couldn't call for backup from the other clans.

"You know, I have a great idea for separating the clans. It's better to use both inside and outside forces." said Jooan before leaving the room.

It wasn't known to many how much of a two face Jooan was. The difference of when he was around his king paled in comparison to how he was when he wasn't. Younghoon was intrigued by that.

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Eric quietly played video games then heard a knock. He muttered a "come in".

"Eric." Younghoon called out as he knelt before him.

"You don't have to kneel when it's just us, Hoon. You know this." Eric said without glancing at him.

"I may be your closest friend and ranked higher than everyone else, but in the end, I'm still a clansman and you are king." replied Younghoon while still kneeling. "I came to report about infiltration plans. I made many modifications and ran tests to get us to the highest possible percentage of a success."

"And that is?" Eric asked.

"With the current plan I developed, 63%. However, that sixty three could easily rise to 86% if we cut out Carmine and take a different route." Younghoon explained. "What do you wish to do?"

"Get Carmine packed two days before the heist. Send Hwall and Changmin with them. I can't afford to fail this mission. Come up with whatever lie is necessary to get them on that truck." Eric said, finally pausing his game to look at Younghoon.

"Very well." said Younghoon, bowing before leaving.

"Hoon." Eric called out.

"Yes, my king?" Younghoon asked with his hand on the knob.

"I love you." said Eric before returning to his game.

Younghoon smiled softly before leaving the room. It was a thing they did when they wanted the other to know how appreciative they felt but didn't know how to put it in words. He was glad to be able to be by Eric's side like this.

✵ ✹ ✵ ✹

Hoyoung sat quietly then glanced at Dongheon. Everyone looked up to him and Gyehyeon. Everyone wanted to strive to be like them. They were that amazing. Minchan exhaled loudly, tired from being in constant concentration.

"Dongheon is so cool... I see why Mr. Jo trusts him so much..." Minchan whispered as he stared at Dongheon.

"Ah, it looks like I've stumbled upon a training session. Tell me Dongheon, how is it going?" Yeonho asked cheerfully.

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