Chapter 12

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~Time skip: 1 week~

Minchan curiously looked at Haknyeon who sat with Dongheon. He couldn't keep up with everything they were doing. Green sparks of electricity often came out of the screen.

"Hey, why is there electricity emitting off of the hologram...?" asked Minchan.

"It's his power. It makes searching easier." Dongheon explained, unaware of the virus Haknyeon sneaked inside to head for the main frame and other vital parts of the building.

Minchan nodded then looked at his king. He was awake this time around and staring at Haknyeon. He quietly watched until Yeonho left his seat.

"Haknyeon." Yeonho called out.

"Yes, Mr. Ju." Haknyeon said with his head lowered.

"You were the only one sent, right?" he asked.

"Yessir. Younghoon is still missing, Changmin is in confinement and the other two are out seeking games for our King." said Haknyeon without hesitation.

"I see. Does your king no longer care about Younghoon's disappearance?" Yeonho pressed, now circling them.

"I've asked about it. His reply was that Younghoon is smart and strong enough to fend for himself." replied Haknyeon.

"Interesting..." said Yeonho. "Have you found the culprit?"

"No sir. I'm not finding any clues." lied Haknyeon as he erased anything that could be a clue.

Yeonho sighed then collapsed onto his chair.

"Leave." said Yeonho in a tired voice. Haknyeon nodded as he rose to his feet. He bowed and left the room. "We have rats... we need to exterminate."

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Everyone in Stray felt uneasy as Woojin was anxious. Felix never came back. Despite disliking Felix, Jisung couldn't help but worry too.

"Ya don tink he got imself in ta some trouble, ye?" Chan said, saying what was on everyone's mind.

"What are you going on about? Felix can take care of himself." Woojin said.

"Felix is..." Minho said.

"A lot stronger than he looks." Seungmin finished.

"Never underestimate silent types!" Minho said.

"You'll die." Seungmin added before dancing with Minho.

"I'll go look for him, Woojin sir." said Jisung before hurrying out.

As much as he didn't want to, he had to. Felix was important to Woojin like oxygen to a human. Felix was a part of Stray, a part of the family. No matter how much he wanted Felix gone, he couldn't forget all the times he's helped Stray, helped them individually. He didn't know places that he usually went to, but blindly searching wouldn't get him anywhere.

Woojin sat alone as the clan had all gone out in search of Felix. The surface of his drink briefly rippled as one of his tears had fallen in. He hated that they cared more about his happiness than their own. He wiped his eyes, wondering how and when did he get such a loving family from.

He looked at the empty bar, an illusion of Jeongin standing behind it, cleaning a glass. It looked behind itself and smiled happily at Woojin as if telling him "good job".

"I finally did something right in my life, huh..." muttered Woojin as he stared at the spot where the illusion was.

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