Chapter 10

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~Time skip: 1 week~

The day of the raid was upon them. Hendery made sure everyone was in their respective positions before heading out. Johnny watched from afar before approaching Hendery.

"I trust you selected the right people for the job." Johnny said without looking at him.

"Yes. I assure you failure will not be an option." said Hendery, gripping the hilt of his sword.

"Let us go and get Doyoung." said Johnny as he walked away.

✵ ✹ ✵ ✹

Jeno counted the clans. His clan and Morse. No one else had come. Did they team up behind Mr. Seo's back?

"Hey, where is everyone? Are you representing your clan or all others?" Jeno asked as they walked.

"Huh? Just my clan. Do you know why no one is here?" Taehyun asked.

"No. Looks like it's just going to be us. Should be enough as long as we lie low." said Jeno glancing around for Jaehyun and Jungwoo.

They arrived by the abandoned building and Jeno signaled for him to follow his lead. Taehyun looked around, wondering why it was empty. Suddenly a heavy blow landed itself on the back of his neck, knocking him out instantly. Jungwoo cracked his neck as he cheerful swung the weapon around. Jaehyun carried Taehyun into a room they prepared to prevent the others from escaping.

Jeno looked at Jaehyun who blocked the door off, Jungwoo assisting.

"He'll assume it was the kidnappers. No suspicion will befall you." said Jungwoo with a creepy smile.

"Shut up. You would've killed him if I wasn't staring you down." fussed Jaehyun as they walked away from the building.

"Haha, I would..." muttered Jungwoo with murderous eyes. "I only listen to you."

Jeno laughed nervously as Jungwoo became clingy with Jaehyun. It was hard for him to believe Jaehyun had become friends with NCity's official murderous weirdo. No one but Johnny and Jungwoo knew why he was allowed to join as their mantra was to uphold structure and order when his kind did the opposite.

"Jungwoo, please we're in public!" Jaehyun fussed as Jungwoo had started exploring with his hands.

"Um... Jaehyun...?" Jeno squeaked out as Jungwoo squealed happily in Jaehyun's chokehold.

"Yeah? What's up?" he replied as they arrived in front of the car.

"What's your relationship with Jungwoo...?" he asked as he glanced at Jungwoo who had settled down.

"I'm not sure either, but I have no other choice but to accept this duty. He refuses to let others approach him. I'm sure it's done purposely just to keep me around." Jaehyun explained as he started the car. "He's not a bad guy, just made wrong choices."

✵ ✹ ✵ ✹

Johnny walked down the stairs with Hendery protecting him from attacks. Just how far down did they put them? He dodged attacks and retaliated with hardly any effort, knocking them out cold.

"Someone up ahead said they found some torture like rooms." said Hendery. "Shall we hurry?"

"Certainly." replied Johnny before taking off at top speed.

They reached the bottom floor then knocked out the guards waiting by a door.

"This one." Hendery said as he opened it.

There on the floor lied all clans' right hands. Hendery ran over to Doyoung and cut him free from his restraints. Hendery carried him back over to Johnny who looked him over. Johnny took Doyoung from his arms and held him close.

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