Chapter 15

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Jeno helped Chan up as the creature had knocked him down. Everyone was dripping blood from some part of their body at this point. None of the tactics were working. Chan wobbled to his feet then coughed up a bit of blood.

"We can't beat that thing... It has too much power..." Jeno whispered as he watched the others continue the attack.

"We gotta try. Our kings are in there!" Chan said, leaving the safety of Jeno's arms and charging back into battle.

No matter how much they attacked, it would just regenerate at rapid speed. None of them had a possession ability or a parasite kind either. It was hopeless. Tokyo Metropolis and neighboring towns and cities would be destroyed.

"Hello? Can anyone here me!?" a voice said inside Jeno's mind.

"I, Jeno, can! Everyone else is too busy fighting. We're almost at our limit. We'll either be sucked in, killed from an attack or die of blood loss." Jeno replied as he watched the scene before him.

"We've uncovered a part of how this ends. You have to keep Hendery, Haknyeon, and Taehyun safe. They're the key." said the voice quickly. "I don't know what they have to do, but it didn't seem like Adonis was destroyed."

Jeno hurriedly limped over to everyone to spread the word. The three of them were still alive. Taehyun and Hendery attacked from both sides, but the monster turned, now having its blue part facing Hendery. He couldn't let Hendery touch it.

Everyone watched as Jeno took off at top speed. Hendery glanced to the side and saw Jeno.

"What are you doing? You'll get sucked in if you're not careful!" Hendery shouted, already accepting his fate.

Everyone stopped as Hendery's trajectory was changed. Hendery reached out as Jeno fell back, slowly turning into particles. Jeno closed his eyes and smiled. For once he was able to save Hendery to pay back for all the times Hendery had saved him.

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Felix drank water as he kept his hand against Minhyun's forehead. Was there really nothing else? Or was his mind trying to protect him? He looked out the window and frowned at the sight of huge cloud of smoke. Things weren't going well. Minhyun stirred, causing Felix to move his hand.

"Did you find it...?" he asked, trembling.

"A part of it. That or that's all it was. A foresight in pieces." said Felix as he handed Minhyun water.

"You should go help the others... I'm just extra baggage." whispered Minhyun as he remembered. "I couldn't do a thing for them..."

"It's not anyone's fault. You wouldn't have been able to do anything anyway..." Felix whispered, comforting the crying Minhyun. "I'm sure they can figure it out. They have to."

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The trio nodded then jumped off the roof, onto the back of the creature. Hendery wasn't sure if it'd work, but something had to be done. They each placed their hands on a color, wondering if they'd get sucked in. Nothing happened. Hendery drove his sword into a spot then noticed a small opening was kept open for a bit before closing.

"Hey, come here. We might be able to get inside." said Hendery as he hacked away.

The others joined him and soon a hole was big enough for a person to slip through. They sent Hendery in.

He looked around as he found himself surrounded by nothing but colors. Small colored spheres started whizzing past him. What were they? He grabbed one and looked at it.

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