High School

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Nick's pov

   August went by way too fast. Good things happened. Lots of them. (Also a lot of bad) Too bad school has come around just too end it.

   I went to the blink 182 show with Sheila and Bradley last week. Johnny didn't want to go even though we offered to buy him a ticket to come with us. He said he wasn't that into blink 183 and didn't want to make things awkward by being related to my date. It was fun as hell, though my body almost gave out on me from exhaustion. Brad and Sheila had to get me to a place to sit, drink water, and eat a protein bar. After a few minutes we shoved ourselves back towards the front of the floor and kept rocking out.

  During "The Rock Show" I grabbed Sheila's hands and started dancing with her as I lip synced to the song. I fell in love with the girl at the rock show. 

  Bradley, Johnny and I pieced together my song, "Lock the Doors," without drums unfortunately, but we all have an idea of what we want them to sound like. It took nearly all day for us to get down the first verse and chorus, then an additional five hours the next day. I'm actually pretty proud of it. I helped create a full song. I did something productive. 

  Today is my first day of high school. Just stepping into this building has my heart in my chest. It's probably three times as big as my middle school and the room numbering is ten times as confusing. Can't wait to get shoved around the halls and lost trying to get anywhere.

  I get my schedule in the advisory room i was assigned. God I hope I get classes with my friends and girlfriend. That's all I ask for; to not be lonely all year again. I don't even know anyone in this classroom. Guess I don't know anyone with a last name that starts with M-P. That's pretty pathetic since at least a third of these people went to my middle school.

  First period. Algebra I. I recognize some people, but have never spoken to them. The teacher has the desk set in partners, meaning I have to sit sith someone I don't know. GREAT. She lets us introduce ourselves with the typical "name three interesting facts about yourself." I say "I play guitar. I like to write. And there's nothing else thats interesting about me." A few of peope giggled, taking it as a joke. Everyone loves dark self deprecating humour. (Im talking to you, reader) She gave us homework on the first day. Thank you, I really did want to rip my hair out today.

  Second period. Biology. The guy who tried to drown me is this class. Mr. Ash Ketchum. The teacher, Mr. Meek seems cool; he looks like he used to be a punk rock kid with his black hair and "hidden" tattoo on his upper arm. Luckily, there's no homework nor awkward introduction to my lame life.

Third period. English I. OH MY GOD IT'S SHEILA, SITTING AT THE BACK. I basically run up to her and slam myself into the desk she's sitting in.

She jumps in surprise and yelps, "what the hell, Nick!"

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you," I exclaim. 

"I'm happy to see you, too," she smiles, "you big dweeb." Shed kisses my cheek then tells me to sit at the desk next to her. 

I look around the room. The white walls filled with posters about the class rules, anti bullying, inspiration, and basic grammar. The clock at the front of room that has a broken seconds hand. It freezes and then rapidly moves five seconds over. The teachers desk is neat and has picture frames facing the empty chair and a computer. The board up front says "Welcome to High School!"

The teacher is a tall, woman with black hair and black eyes that's somewhere in her 50's.  She introduces herself as Mrs. Chen. 

Sheila looks over to me and taps the top of my head. I didn't even notice I was already resting my chin on my crossed arms from boredom. 

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