Night Terror

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(Okay so from this point on, shits gonna get really dark... But its all part of a plan so its all good... right?)

Nick's pov

We were in my room. He was on my bed reading some old book for school, and I was on the floor playing with hot wheels and other toys I had as a seven year old. He asked if I wanted to play another game with him, and I agreed. He sat me on the bed and explained that it'd be a secret game because we were going to be like the FBI or Secret Services or just plain out spies.

He grabbed my pants by the belt and pulled me towards him. I screamed in fear 'cause I was always warned about things like this. Flipping me to where he'd be on top of me, he held me down and started doing things a kid should never have to experience. 

I jolt up. Sweat drenching my shirt and the covers. My heart pounding over and over in my chest and my breaths are shaky and shallow. My body feels violated and dirty like I need to take a long hot shower. That felt way too real. 

This didn't even happen, I yelled before he did anything to me and my dad came. I was safe. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. No one hurt me. No one abused me.

I lay back down on my side and stare at the wall, too scared to close my eyes. My senses are heighten and sensitive, every subtle noise alarms me, my eyes keep playing tricks on me by showing me human like shadows in the corners of the room, and if feels like something is on my chest and legs.

It's 3 am. Of fucking course it is. There's no way I'm going to fall asleep again.


This day has felt so drawn out. It's going by in slow motion. It's barely 5th period and lt feels like it's I've been here for five days. I'm so tired that my body is running on pure adrenaline and a can of Monster that Johnny gave me this morning. 

 On my way to lunch, arms wrap around my waist as I walk down the hallway. Panicked, I jump forward and push them away from me, not wanting to be touched.

"Nick, chill, it just me," Sheila says, confused and shocked at my reaction.

The same images from the nightmare flash infront of me, making me feel sick. I blink a few times and shake my head in attempts to get those thoughts out.

"Are you okay?" she asks, touching my shoulder, which I instinctively pull away without thinking.

"Um, yeah, I uh.. Sorry, I don't know what that was." I put my arm around her, hoping I didn't just hurt her feelings by avoiding her touch.

"Oh... Okay," she mumbles as we keep walking to the cafeteria.

The world in front of me looks like it's in 2D. Unreal and flat, like watching a movie through a TV screen. Sheila pulls me through the crowd, knowing I have a tough time with them. 

I feel numb yet over flowing with emotion at the same time.

What's going on with me?

Lloyd's pov.

"How'd you do on the math test?" Sheila asks me.

In the middle of my chewing, I answer, "I actually think I did well on it. For once."

Johnny takes a cold chicken nugget from Sheila's topperware and she punches him on the arm, then takes a slice of a kiwi and shoved the whole thing in her mouth.

"Stop being a freak," Johnny exclaims, "who the fuck eats the skin on the kiwi!?"

She pulls out the chewed up peel out of her mouth and sets it on Johnny's lunch box. "Better?"

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