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Madison walked into work and saw Max. He walked over to her. "So. Last night."

Madison nodded. "Yes. Last night. We had sex. You weren't that bad either," she teased. She saw the look on his face. "I'm kidding. You were amazing."

Max smirked and nodded. "I know. But I can see your longing for passion and for romance. I can give you that."

"I know."

Chris saw what was happening between Max and Madison. He didn't like it. He knew what Max was like. He walked over to them. "Morning."

"Oh hey."

Chris saw the smirk on Max's face. He tried to ignore it. He turned to Madison. "Did you wanna go for some lunch today? I feel like we haven't had much time together."

Madison looked at him and shrugged. "I'll let you know. Might be busy."

Madison quickly walked off. She missed the looks that Chris and Max were giving each other.

Madison sat in the staffroom with Megan. Megan knew how bad her sister was feeling. But she also knew she had to sort out the mess out too.

Megan looked at her. "You've got to sort out it babes. You're gonna be torn."

"Yeah. I know. I just can't handle it right now. Chris isn't being attentive at all. Then there's Max. He's making me feel like someone who's wanted. I don't know what to do," Madison admitted.

Megan could see how Madison was feeling. But she didn't want her to make the wrong choices in life.

Max looked up as Chris walked in. He looked back down at the paperwork in front of him. "Leave Madison alone."


Chris rolled his eyes and looked at Max. "Leave her alone. I've seen the way you're always trying to talk to her or flirt with her."

Max sighed and put the pen down. "She is a colleague. I can speak with her if I want to."

"Yeah. Well she's my girlfriend and I don't appreciate it."

"I don't appreciate you telling me that I can't speak to a colleague. Keep in mind that I am your boss," Max said.

Chris scoffed. "Start acting like it then."

Madison looked up as Max walked in. He was mad and Madison could tell. "What?"

"I don't appreciate your boyfriend coming into my office to tell me I can't talk to you," Max said.

Madison sighed and looked at him. "I'm sorry. I'll talk to him."

"Good. I mean it. I won't tolerate him talking to me like that," he said.

Later on that day, Madison made her way to her car. Chris was waiting. "What happened to lunch?" He asked.

"I told you. I was busy."

Chris sighed. "You're being incredibly rude. Is everything okay?" He asked.

Madison nodded and climbed into her car. "I just don't feel like being the doting girlfriend when you haven't bothered with me for weeks. I'm sorry but it's not happening. You either sort it out or we're over."

But did she mean it?

Cheating With My Boss *Waterloo Road*Where stories live. Discover now