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Taehyung's POV-

"Your résumé is incredible, Taehyung-ssi. Your work experience record is the best I've ever seen. I'm truly glad you chose to apply to our school."

The tall man infront of me smiles warmly, deep dimples showing as he flips through my forged résumé.

I put on a good act to make the whole act more believable,
"Thank you, Principal Kim. I'm more than happy to be here too."

"I'll introduce you to the other staffs properly during the break later. Shall we head to your class for now? The children must be arriving."


We both stand up, shake hands and he leads the way to my class of preschoolers. I'm kinda excited to see their cute faces and spend some playtime afternoons with them. And I'm especially looking forward to meeting Kim Chi with the chubbiest rosy cheeks.

As we head down the hallways, Principal Kim gives me a short tour of the rooms and playground and make small talk about the daily routines. I had done my research well and made very convincing replies as he asks me questions after questions.

Before we knew it, we had reached the room.
'Sunflower Class' it reads with the adjacent rooms having similar names. The door is bright yellow and the windows and walls are covered in colorful drawings and charts.

"So,this is it. This is your class....and.."

He places a hand on my shoulder giving me a pat with a concerned look on his face,

"....I wish you the best of luck."

He then turns around to leave.

"Wait.. Principal, aren't you coming?"

"No, I uh...have principal duties. You go ahead. I'll meet you at recess later!"

And he's off, talking long strides and is out of sight in a matter of seconds.

I'm quite puzzled as to why he won't come with me inside the class...
and I'm going to find out real soon enough.

Grabbing the door handle, I take a deep breath in. I have to do this right. I don't want them to be scared of me and should earn their trust on the first impression.
My appearance would be quite a change to them from the frail and petite sweet old lady they had as their previous teacher.

A big warm smile ready on my face, I mentally prepare myself to meet the angels and I push open the sliding door,



Something wet and cold hits my crotch. My eyes follow it and I see that it's a weird concoction of slime, clay and paint. The red and brown gooey substance then falls down onto my white Vans shoes, leaving a red stain on my jeans in the most inappropriate area.

I don't have a moment to react when the loud commotion in the room finally hits me and I look up and around the room.

My face is blank and mouth agape as I scan the room and it's contents.

Right infront of me, I see two kids swimming on the floor in the same gooey substance that was thrown my way.
A boy sitting next to them is aggressively chewing on his shoe.
I turn my head around to the right and I see one kid with his head trapped in the window rails...
with his pants halfway down, his toddler butt in full view.
Yet another kid is drawing on said exposed butt with a marker...which I hope isn't permanent.
My gaze then travels to the left side of the room and more disaster.
I see two tiny feet wiggling under a mountain of toys and another kid working hard at piling more toys on top of him.

And a dozen more kids running around, doing stuffs none better than mentioned above and all...

...all, almost 20 of them are screaming at the top of their lungs.

And now I understand why the Principal ran away so hastily.
Why didn't I hear any of this racket when we were outside?
I take a brief moment to admire the sound proofing system.

I shake my thoughts off and begin to panic as I take in all that's happening.

Who do I save first? The one buried or the one trapped in the window??

I rushed over to the kid under the toys and pull him out and to my surprise, he's grinning..and laughing as I hold him up.
I put him down confused and ran over to the window and get this one out after a bit of struggle.
And this kid too! He isn't crying. And kicking his pants off, he runs butt naked all over the classroom, laughing heartily.

I move over to the teacher's table and clear my throat. Loudly.
But it does nothing.

I try calling out to them.
No reaction.

Tried banging on the table next.
They only stop momentarily and look wide eyed at me, halting in their devilish activites.
But as soon as I begin to speak, they ignore me again and resume the screaming and running around.

As I stare at the scene helplessly,
the boy gnawing on the shoe looks up at me and pointed at my crotch.
I look down and see a red stain spreading across the area. I had to get rid of this first!

I move behind the desk and grab some tissues and start to rub it off. It doesn't do much and I can feel the stain spreading.
It looks like I freaking wet myself!

I notice a table fan on the teacher's desk and turn it on. The strong wind dries the area a bit but it's not hitting the spot right. It's a bit high up and the rickety old fan doesn't even turn properly.

I look over at the kids and they seem to be too busy to see what I'm doing.

I get up, one knee on the chair and another leg up on the table and position myself to get the air to hit the wet spot directly.

I'm in the most ridiculous and stupid state but luckily the kids are lost in their own worlds to notice.

And...it's working!
It's drying up faster now. I grab another bunch of tissues and rub over the fabric furiously to quicken the job..

"Whatchu duin mwister?"

I turn around sideways to the door following the voice.
Bright blue eyes starting at me in confusion. Dressed in baby pink overalls and equally pink cheeks...
there's no mistaking it.

Kim Chi is at the door, staring at me with a disgusted face......
and behind her, her father with the exact same expression.

My legs can't move. My shoe is stuck in the arm rest of the chair. And my other leg on the table seems to be slipping.

I stare at the two of them helplessly, following their expression and their eyes as they go directly to my protruding hips and wet, red stained crotch.


Let's meet some of Kim Chi's classmates. To be introduced soon^^

 To be introduced soon^^

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