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Seokjin's POV-

I've been on a decent amount of dates in my life.

No, quite a lot of dates.
Some good, some great, some sexy and some horribly wrong which makes me want to hide forever, move to Mexico and change my name to Seok-Juan.

I've been through them all.

But never one where I have to drag a half-dead lifeless body home!

Kim Taehyung, you weirdass wide-mouthed cute piece of poop!
This weirdo keeps surprising me endless.

I knew what he was planning for the moment he stuttered about taking me out for a drink this morning.
It was the oldest rule in the book-
You get drunk, you make mistakes, end up doing the sexy freaky deeds and get awkward around each other afterwards but eventually come around, jump 10 steps into the relationship just like that.

The thing is..That doesn't really work on me because I don't get drunk easily. I need a whole barrel worth to get me even the slightest bit of tipsy.
But I was willing to go along with whatever he had planned.
It was gonna be cute to see what he tries to do.
I was gonna give in for him.

True, he seemed like a clueless idiot in the beginning but then maybe I thought he could be a horny freak like me too and hiding it under that childish wide grin?

Which I totally dig.

I couldn't believe how well the date was going. His voice went octaves deeper when he's trying to flirt and darn that was hot.
His smirk looked so good and I noticed him eyeing my unbuttoned chest and licking his lips once or twice.
He worked as a stripper before so I'm pretty sure he must have some tricks up his sleeve with that-

Er.. what I meant was- the date was going so well until..

Until he decided to drop dead down onto the table that is.

Who passes out after one bottle of soju ??

He won't wake up no matter what I tried. His only friend I know is Hoseok and he's with ChiChi at home so I can't call him over and leave my daughter alone.

I even tried slapping him and he just responded by smiling even  more.


So, long story short.

It's 12:30 in the dead of the night and I'm dragging my hot and handsome,'I'm-not-drunk-cos-I'm-a-man' date up to my apartment.

His drool is running down all over my shoulder and he even farted twice on the ride home.
The taxi driver even wrote us a recommendation for some herbal medicine that cured his gastric problems.

This is so far from whatever sexy evening I had planned.

I knew it, Cupid's so jealous of my looks that he's killing all my chances at love.

With a whole lot of efforts, we finally made it into the apartment.

The TV is on and Hoseok and ChiChi are asleep infront of it. I wanted to throw this person on the sofa but Hoseok's currently occupying it, snoring louder than the TV.
I didn't want to be too rude and just dump him down on the floor so I have no choice but to drag his sorry ass into my bedroom and onto my bed.

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