What If hagakure and togami made music

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Hagakure: TOGAMONEY!
Togami: what is it peseant?
Hagakure: lets make som music~
Togami: go away peseant I will not make another song after neagi didnt tell them last time
Hagakure: you can flex on makoto
A wide shot of a manion with hagakure dancing on the roof
A shot of celestia drinking tea while siiting on a throne with two tigers
Then a shot of togami swimming in money can be seen
The music from I like it like that by cardi b plays
Hagakure: I like cheetos I like money
Hagakure: I like myself nah thats a lie
Kokichi: LIE
Hagakure: I like crystal shiny balls and no bitch im not gay
Hagakure: I like texts from macdonalds telling me that im flawless
Hagakure: I like proving makoto wrong (even tho I don't)
Hagakure: I do what they say I can
Hagakure: they call me daddy, dumbass, pepsi lord, Big hair, tree boi,  that guy,  kevin, gay boi, cheeto lover, guy with brain damge!
Hagakure: Your daughter calls me daddy
Hagakure: your mama calls me daddy
Kyoko: I shall investiagte you
Hagakure: No wait im a good little boi
Kyoko: No YoUr NoT (fortnite dances to hagakure)
Hgakure: tell kyoko im sorry
Hagakure: always clean my potty
Hagakure: and i go to bed like a good little boi
Kyoko: good boi
Togami: togami togami in the house pesants
Togami: I know you bitchs want green like me then you better kiss my feet and bow to the king
Togami: I don't no naegi to tell these hoes that I'm the boss
Togami throws money at the screen
Togami: so yeah bow to your king or I'll break nose jobs bitchs
Celestia: ha you did not excpet me
Celestia: but there is king withoit a queen
Celestia: think you can bet aginst me oh please atleast im talented
Hagakure: Take that ulitmiate luck? ultimate hope? is that a thing?
Nagito and makoto: Hey!
Kyoko: I heard you were dissing my boi naegi!
Hagakure: Run!
Hagakure runs while togami and celestia drink tea
Togami: so what will you do peseant
Kyoko: call a friend of mine
Celestia: to scared to face us kyoko?
Kyoko: I lIkE tRaInS
Togami: do you hear that?
*thomas the traim music begins to play*
Thomas the train comes in and runs into celestia and togami
Kyoko: I have protected mt cinamon roll
Naegi: yay!
fortnite music plays
Kyoko and naegi fortnite dance

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