5 - An unexpected encounter

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???: Yo Y/N lets head out I got the shit!

Y/N: Yea I'm right here, I'm coming

It's you and Jett, you can't quite remember what you guys were doing that night.

Jett: Dude I got some heavy shit from a liquor store we walked into earlier today.

Y/N: Really again? It's been like 2 weeks since we last got caught drinking.

Jett: Ah come on everyone just thought we we're sick

Y/N: Okay well first of all no one thought we were sick and second of all do you know what will happen to us if they catch us drinking?

Jett: It'll be fine we'll go outside the walls and set up a camp

Y/N: alright but we can't drink as much as last time

Watching you and Jett sneaking out to drink put a huge smile on your face. You guys always had a good time together. The memory slowly fades away and all the sudden your eyes open.

Y/N: Oh fuck

As you wake up you feel extremely thirsty and a sharp pain in your head. Slowly remembering what happened right before you went to sleep you look to your left and see Clementine still sleeping. She is definitively gonna be out for a while longer. Clem drank so much for a first time. She moved a little but still has her head on your chest.

As you lay there thinking for a minute, you stop thinking about how thirsty you were or the bad head ache you had. Listening to Clementine with her head on your chest breathing was peaceful. Just sitting there you felt safe, all you could think about was her.

Clementine: Owww oh god

Startled, you look over and see Clem opening her eyes. You freeze not knowing what to do. She lifts her head off your chest and looks up at you with a confused face. You just stare at her like a deer caught in head lights.

Clementine: Y/N! What the fuck!

She's on the left side of the bed which is the one against the wall. She pushes you off the right side and you fall to ground.

Y/N: Ow, What the hell is that about

Clementine: Uh what do you mean what the hell is that about?!? YOU WERE SLEEPING WITH ME

She starts breathing heavily and getting more angry

Clementine: God I can't remember anything that happened last night. Oh no, no no no.

She gets up walking over to the door and leaves the cabin slamming the door shut.

Y/N: Oh no, does she think.... we?

You stand up but you are hit with the dry mouth and a sharp head ache. You grab some water and chug an entire bottle. Assuming Clem is probably thirsty you grab a bottle for her and walk outside. She is outside the cabin sitting on the leaves.

Y/N: Hey Clem what ever you think happened last night didn't

Clementine: How do you know that?

Y/N: I remember, i didn't drink as much as you did.

You hand her the bottle of water and snatches it out of your hands. She drinks the entire thing in seconds.

Clementine: Thanks...

Y/N: Yea no problem

Clementine: So What did happen last night?

Y/N: well you were so drunk you could barley stand so I helped you into the bed. I was going to lay on the floor but you ripped me onto the bed and told me I should sleep up there. You fell onto me and instantly you were asleep. I tried moving out but you would let go, then I fell asleep.

She's the one - Clementine x Male Reader (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now