36 - What now?

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————Clem POV————

Everyone else had been sitting for about five minutes. AJ was almost completely recovered from his sickness which made you happy. Although he wasn't prone to talking about what they did to him. You hoped it wasn't anything bad, they gave him medicine and you somewhat trusted Curtis. Emily seemed like an okay person, you had no idea where she was from but Y/N trusts her. She seemed to act a little weird around you and Y/N, but you weren't sure.

Y/N was a different story, you seemed to naturally be alert while around him. Whenever you looked at him you didn't feel comfort or bliss, you just felt like he wasn't there. You've been itching to ask about how he got out of the Marauder road but you know when he seems sensitive about things.

He was sitting on a log tending to a fire, it seemed like right as you guys got to the tree line he had one set up already.

You got up from the tree you were sitting against and walked up to him. He had his back tuned to you.

Clementine: Hey

Y/N: What

You sat down next to him and slowly lay your head on his shoulder.

Clementine: What's going on up there

Y/N: What?

You giggle and sit up, you look at him and playfully prod his forehead with your finger.

Clementine: Up there

He sighs and then turns forward looking at the fire, your approach wasn't working.

Clementine: How did... how did you-

Y/N: Avery saved me and pitched me up

Clementine: Oh... thank you

Y/N: For what

Clementine: For everything,especially leaving yourself back for us

He looks down, you can tell something is on his mind.

Clementine: What's wring

Y/N: How do you always know?

Clementine: because I can read you like a book, and I love you

A small smirk appears on his dirty face but it slowly fades.

Y/N: What if...

Clementine: You can tell me anything.

Y/N: It's just.. when ever I'm around things always seem to go to shit

Clementine: I know where this is going. And trust me Y/N I've been in your exact spot. Everyone I loved has died, everyone that's taken care of me, right before my own eyes. It's had not to think it's your fault. But it's the worlds fault

Y/N: This is different

Clementine: How?

Y/N: It just, it just is okay?

She's the one - Clementine x Male Reader (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now