27 - Can't stop yet

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Your eyes slowly open and you find yourself at the camp alone. Avery was nowhere in sight, as you looked around your vision still blurry you saw someone sitting on the fallen tree. They were facing the other way but by just seeing their back you knew who it was

Y/N: Clem

She doesn't respond so you walk up the log and sit down next to her.

Clementine: Stop

Y/N: Stop what?

Clementine: You don't need me to explain it, you already know

Y/N: What do you mean? How am I supposed to know?

Clem stands up slowly and you sit there watching. You remain sitting as she walks away, lost in your thoughts wondering what she meant. All the sudden your eyes feel super heavy and you pass out on the log falling to the ground into the cold snow.

Y/N: Ughhh

Again your eyes open and you find yourself rolled off your backpack cheek down in the snow. Since your cheek is starting to burn you stand up and find Avery laying on his back on the tree.

Y/N: He must've stayed up all night keeping watch

It's like you have been reborn, with the amount of energy in your body from the sleep made you feel invincible.

Mary: You really can't stop thinking of her can you

Y/N: I was doing well... until you mentioned her

Instinctively you grab your backpack and pull our gun to check your ammunition. You put on your backpack and zip up your jacket to get ready for the day.

Mary: A part of you is genuinely thinking properly, while...

Y/N: This isn't about me, it's about Clem

Mary: Looks like we know which one is talking currently

Y/N: Fuck off, would ya?

Mary: Just don't think of me and i will

Y/N: Ugh

You look over and see Avery start to shuffle around, he rises up and rubs his eyes looking at you. He must've heard you talking to Mary.

Y/N: Hey... uh... thanks for keeping watch for me

Avery: No problem, you needed the rest Y/N. I can deal with getting a couple of hours of sleep for a day, but you can only handle so much. You need to realize that you can't be putting yourself last on the list of priorities.

Y/N: Am i the one alone with barely any supplies and a sick child that can't walk for more than five minutes?

Avery: No you aren't but you know what you were? A helpless boy bleeding out on the ground next to two bodes when i found you, clean the shit out of your ears and listen for a god damn moment!

Y/N: Um...

From all the interactions you have had with Avery, he seemed like the last guy to lash out on someone.

Y/N: Am i that bad?

Y/N: Sorry... Ill try to understand

Avery: No I'm sorry, shouting at each other won't help anything but you need to start listening to those around you. You need to start actually trying to understand what people are saying and also thinking before you do.

Y/N: Yeah... You're right... Its just at the moment i have no control and it just seems right. Everything in my head seems like the only way and the right way as a matter of fact

She's the one - Clementine x Male Reader (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now