32 - d̓͑a̱͔͛͆r̪ͅk̜̂ͮn͈̼̰e̻̚ss

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————Clem POV————

It had to be at least three hours of work, you had some help from Mike but it was still tough. You decided that you wanted to get on Curtis's good side, so you had to work hard and make sure to not get caught doing anything. Every second that went by all your mind kept drifting back to was AJ. For some reason, you believed Curtis when he said he was safe. You thought you had a pretty good bullshit meter and nothing went off when he looked you straight in the eyes and told you that.

The temperature was dropping as the sun started to dip below the horizon. Although earlier you had been sweating from the hard work, you were now freezing and shivering.

Curtis: Heyyy!!! How's the work coming?

You jump at the sound of his voice, he walks up to the crops and takes a good look.

Curtis: WOW! Good fuckin work! Just cover it up with this tarp for the night before you head off to sleep l.

He kicks the tarp over to you that was by his feet.

Curtis: Aww come on... don't look at me like that! I brought you a blanket.

He pulls out a tiny rolled up blanket and throws it to your feet.

Curtis: I can't be too nice eh? Alright ill talk to you tomorrow

You watch him as he wanders away into the night, you could see some lights on in some of the buildings but he was out of sight.

Clementine: Oh god... this is gonna suck

As you talked to your self you heard your teeth clattering against each other. You threw the tarp over the plants and then laid down on the ground. You rolled out the blanket which covered your body completely. Then you thought about how Y/N would make fun of your height. It made you giggle and your heart warm up a little bit.

Clementine: I'm going to find you... eventually

From all the hard work your body was worn out so you felt very drowsy. Then your eyes shut and you drifted off into a deep sleep.

————Emily POV————

It was becoming dark, searching for Y/N was going to be hard since it's not like you can just call out for him. You and Avery had been walking for quite some time and found nothing. The sun was almost completely set and the temperature was surprisingly dropping even lower.

Avery: We're gonna have to set up camp for the night

Emily: No! We can't just leave him

Avery: Emily we are going to freeze death if we don't set up a fire

Emily: I'm looking for him and I'm finding him

Avery: You two are both as stubborn as mules.

You felt your self blushing a bit thinking about how he compares you and Y/N. He did fight you but he was so kind to you afterward, and he was kinda cute.

Avery: Listen... Emily, he's a smart kid. He knows how to survive... hell he knows how to survive better than all of us. He's a tough boy and I'm sure he's already got a campfire going waiting for morning.

She's the one - Clementine x Male Reader (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now