9 - Recovery

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————————-Clementine's POV——————-

Clementine: Oh fuck Y/N

Y/N drops to the ground and quickly a pool of blood is forming around him.

Clementine: Shit, what do I do?

AJ: Swear

Clementine: Not now AJ, can you go get the car started? We need to get out of here before too many walkers swarm us

AJ: On it

AJ runs over with the keys and gets in to start the car. You pick up the weapons on the ground and think about Y/N.

Clementine: Fuck Y/N, don't die on me

You hoist him up which takes a little while but once you are standing it's easy going. AJ opens the car door and you throw him into the back laying down.

Clementine: AJ, I know this may be gross but you need to take my my knife and find where Y/N has been shot. Rip his clothes off where it is and then I'll tell you what to do.

AJ: Okay... i can do this.

You climb into the car and drive away, once you are pretty far away you pull over.

Clementine: Alright AJ hows it going?

AJ: I'm pressing down on the holes as hard as I can, I don't see much blood coming out.

Clementine: Alright, I can take over. Just start a fire like I taught you, take this metal spoon and put it over the fire till it's red.

AJ: Okay?

Clementine: Questions later buddy

He runs to make a fire as fast as possible and you get to work. The gunshot wound on his thigh didn't go through but the arm one did.

Clementine: Oh god

You pull the bandage off and take out your knife. Since it's dirty you take the alcohol and clean the blade as much as you can.

Clementine: I'm sorry

Y/N is still out cold but you still feel bad. As you press the blade in to get the bullet out it starts bleeding more.

Clementine: This is gonna hurt later

After digging around for what seems like an eternity you find the bullet and get it out.

Clementine: AJ! How's the spoon going?!

AJ: It's not red yet!

Clementine: Okay wait longer!

Since AJ is working on the spoon still, you grab the stuff to stitch up his arm. This takes little to no time because of how many times you've done it. The arm is all patched up and AJ walks up to you.

Clementine: Thanks buddy

He hands you the spoon carefully and you take it pressing it against the wound. It sizzles which sounds extremely excruciating. you pull off after a little while and the wound is cauterized shut.

AJ: Where'd you learn to do that?

Clementine: Mary told me about when we were at the fire the other night, thought it might work well

You both look down remembering what happened to her.

AJ: I was starting to really like her

Clementine: She was a great person... alright let's find out what to do. It's almost completely dark.

She's the one - Clementine x Male Reader (DISCONTINUED) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ