24 - Whatever it takes

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Everything felt like slow motion, there was a huge truck with walkers spilling out of it. You needed to think of the way plan of action. Time started to revert back to normal and you just said the first thing that came to mind.

Y/N: Take out as many walkers as possible! I'll look out for raiders

Greg: Okay!

Greg ran over to a group of people, they were armed and seemed somewhat experienecd. All of them advanced towards the gate and started to unleash on the dozens of walkers. You ran towards the gate but stayed back closer to true wall.

Y/N: This is seriously fucked

The gate was bursting with flames, there were scrap metal everywhere. There was no way anyone was getting through the gate on foot.

Y/N: Fuck.. think Y/N, think!

Mary: The walls

You dart your head towards the huge mossy brick walls, at first, all looks normal but you realize the barbed wire is being pulled on. All of a sudden about 10 feet of barbed wire is ripped off and raiders start to scale over.

Y/N: You fucks...

After lining up the general direction of the wall you graciously give out 3 round burst into the walls. Bodies were dropping from the wall, some fell inside the compound while others fell back. One of the raiders noticed you were the culprit of the mass murder and fired at you. Most of the bullets wizzed past you as you just stood there like a deer in headlights, except you were a deer with a gun. You carefully lined up the shot and as you took it warm pinching sensation passed through your right thigh. Upon further inspection the burning feeling looked like a graze, it was still bleeding a little. The bullet grazed along your thigh and through your pocket, the black jeans you had on became damp with blood.

Y/N: Clem...

The thought of Clem passed through your mind instantly kick start your brain. You bolted into the sleeping quarters and went right for your room. Clementine had everything packed up and her gun in hand, she was carrying AJ. He was barely awake, still sick as a dog and unable to protect himself.

Clementine: what's going on?

Y/N: They... They

You are gasping for air from running all the way here.

Y/N: They blew up the gate and let walkers loose... People are holding them back but they started to scale the walls... I held them off for a while but they slowed down... so I came to see you.

Clementine: We should go find Arthur

Y/N: Ye- Yea lets go

Clem walks out in front of and as she goes to turn right you stop her.

Y/N: Clem... I don't think we should go out that way... let's go this way

Clementine: Why? You said they were holding it

Y/N: I... It looked bad, let's just play it safe

You walk out in front to lead the way, in the past you noticed a side door to the building so that's where you were heading. As you round the corner you see the stairs and an exit to the right of them.

She's the one - Clementine x Male Reader (DISCONTINUED) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang