23 - They're Here

433 22 15

Clementine: I love you

Those words echoed through your head endlessly. Like they were trying to find a home in the bottomless pit of horror that you call your memory.

Ron: Y/N

You heard Ron's voice but as soon as the sound entered your ear it flew out the other. Your mind flew back to those three words.

Y/N: I should be happy right now... Shouldn't I?

You felt a smack on the back of your head and everything in your brain shattered like a window being broken. Your head shot up and you looked around for the culprit. Ron was standing there looking at you, he looked a little pissed off.

Y/N: What was that for?

Ron chuckles and just sighs, he looks in the other direction past you. You turn your head and see Clem standing there looking at you.

Y/N: What's up?

Clementine: You Alright?

Y/N: Yea why?

Clementine: You... No reason, just come over here

You stand up and walk with her away from the gate towards the sleeping quarters.

Clementine: Listen, I'm really stressed out about this whole preparation shit. What if they attack and we lose? We need some sort of plan.

Y/N: That gate ain't getting knocked down and even if it does, you've seen our armory right?

Clementine: What good does a gun do when the shooter can't aim for shit!

Y/N: I'm telling you... We'll be okay

Clementine: Alright... Just please tell me that you come to me first thing when shit goes down.

Y/N: Yes Ma'am

Clem leans in and you both kiss, she releases which makes you sad. It was the same feeling of laying in bed before you get up in the morning, you never want it to end. She walks away and just stand there watching. Those three words.

Clementine: I. love. you

You stood there until she walked out of view.

Mary: Boo

Y/N: Fuck!

You spin around to see Mary, you're pretty sure your heart skipped a beat.

Y/N: How does that even work?

Mary: Beats me

Ron: Y/N! We need a little help over here

You jog back down to the gate to see what Ron needed. He welded the metal bar to the gate as you held it.

Mary: You're trying to hide it... your going bad shit crazy over these raiders.

Y/N: Hard to go bad shit crazy when you already are.

Ron: huh?

Y/N: Nothing

Mary: Well I can tell you're trying not to think about it.

Y/N: Yea I mean what good is it gonna do

Mary: Uh What Do you mean? You need a plan, everyone in this place is dog shit at combat and you know it. This fight will be a loss

Y/N: If I had a map of this shit hole I could make one, but I don't

Mary: Fair point but you can still try!

Y/N: I know

You were still holding the bar even though Ron was down welding. Turning your head you saw him staring at you.

She's the one - Clementine x Male Reader (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now