Kidnapper With Relationship Advice

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- ( S E V E N T E E N ) -

Izzy's POV

It's been days since Ryder and I's last talk. That night was practically embedded in to my brain. I played the whole thing over and over again in my head. Remembering how scared I was when Ryder became aggressive. I guess now I know he'd never really hurt me like that. It was just in the moment and I wasn't thinking clearly.

After I ended things with Ryder again, he's been sitting with other people at lunch. Dylan and the others grew suspicious and started asking me questions. I told them me and him were seeing each other but things didn't work out. Brianna blames Ryder. Even though she doesn't know what happened at all. She's just that kind of friend. I loved her for it.

I told Ryder we needed a break from each other. At least until he figured out his feelings for Andrea and got himself out of that whole mess involving her. Speaking of Andrea, she finally came back to school. She looked like shit. And I'm not saying that just because I resent her right now. I'm saying that because it's the truth. Even Audrey and Brianna thought so too.

Her hair was matted and she looked very skinny. It's only been a few weeks yet she's already looking like a different person. Instead of her full face of makeup she always wore, she had sweaty, oily skin and bags under her eyes. She found me alone in the hallway during passing period and tried talking to me. I told her to leave me alone and I left to class. Looking at her made me sad and angry. Ryder always popped up in my head when I even glanced at her. And I don't know about you guys, but I don't like crying in front of my classmates.

I was driving home from Starbucks after school when I suddenly got a call from Dylan. It was odd, because he was supposed to be at football practice at this time. "Hello? Did you run out of gas again? I told you to fill it up-"

"Izzy! Don't come home! Whatever you do, do not come home!" He cut me off, frantically yelling at me through the phone. My adrenaline kicked in and I started to worry.

"What's going on? Dylan? Hello?" My foot pressed down on the gas pedal, speeding me down the street as fast as I could.

"Don't worry, Isabella. Your brother is fine." A deep, dark voice said. It sounded silky but felt like it was stabbing me in the throat.

"Who are you? What are you doing to my brother?!" I growled in to the phone, passing car after car and ignoring their angry honks.

"You know who I am, Isabella. Come on, you're a smart girl." He chuckled, sounding so casual as we spoke. It took me five seconds to figure who was on the other line.


"Bingo. I knew you'd figure it out." He laughed, taunting me as I felt the panic and fear coursing through me.

"What do you want? I'm almost there and I'll call the cops if you don't leave my brother alone-"

"Now, now. I wouldn't be raising your voice at me when I'm holding a shiny gun in my hand. Wouldn't want me to accidentally pull the trigger when it's aimed at your brothers blonde little head." My eyes widened as he told me this.

"Y-you wouldn't." I whispered, feeling the tears sting my eyes.

"But I would. Hurry up on home. I'll be waiting here for you. And if you call the cops, I will know. By the time they got here, your brother would already be dead. You've got five minutes."

"No- wait!" The phone beeped, signaling the end of the phone call. I yelled, throwing my Tphone on the passengers seat as I slammed my hand on the wheel. "You guys are so dead."If my brother died today, Andrea and Ryder would have to plan their own funerals too.

I saw multiple cars parked out front of my house. Making me feel even more angry and upset. Quickly parking in the front, I jumped out the car and slammed the door shut. I didn't care if I parked on my lawn or not. "Hello? Dylan! Where are you?" I called through out the house, closing the front door behind me.

"Izzy! Go away! Now!" I sighed in relief when I heard Dylan's voice coming from the living room. Running over to him, I saw him tied up to a chair from the kitchen.

"Oh my god, Dylan! I thought they killed you or something!" I exclaimed, running over to hug him tightly.

"I'm fine. Listen to me, you've got to get out of here before-"

"Well, well, Well. You came. About time." I jumped around to protect Dylan behind me. Dionte was everything I had imagined. The tall, intimidating body, scary mean eyes and the shiny gun in his hands.

"What do you want from us? We have nothing to do with Andrea or Ryder." I told him, trying my best to stay strong for Dylan.

"What the heck does this have to do with Ryder and Andrea?" Dylan asked from behind me. I pretended not to hear him, because right now was not the time to explain this whole mess.

"But you have everything to do with them. Andrea and Ryder care about you a lot. I know they'd do anything to get you back. All I wanted was my money."

"Get me back?" Dionte bursted out in to laughter as I said this. My vision suddenly went out when someone came up to me out of no where to cover my mouth with a white cloth.

"You know I hate you, right?" I said, picking my head up to stare at the bald headed man.

"Yes, you've told me multiple times." Dionte sighed, working on some papers he had on his desk. Who know gangsters had paper work to do. Guess they really were business men after all.

"Good. Just wanted to make sure." I smirked, feeling proud of myself as Dionte glared at me. "You know they aren't going to come looking for me. Ryder doesn't care about me like that." It hurt to say it, but I knew he didn't. Other wise he would have chosen me over Andrea.

"You are really stupid, even for a blonde." I gasped, pretending to be hurt as Dionte said this. He chuckled, rolling his eyes at me. "Boys are stupid-"

"That I have learned." He again glared at me, telling me to shut up.

"Boys are stupid and don't always know what they want right away. It's never black and white with them. Ryder loves you. He was confused."

"How do you even know this? Have you been spying on me, Kings?" He grinned, shrugging his shoulders.

"Maybe." I cringed, wondering how many days he's been watching me. We've been in his office for a while now. I've been tied to a chair for god knows how long. Dionte isn't that bad. Doesn't mean I'm not going to kick his ass once I'm out of this duck tape.

"You have serious problems, dude."

"I've been told worse." He shrugged, leaning back in his chair to text away on his phone. I rolled my eyes and went back to not talking.

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