Lets Do This Shit

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Believe it or not, America does care what people have to say about him. He's just very good at not showing it. You have to be good at something like that, when you're in as important a position as he was.

As far as anyone knew, he was very popular. Came from wealthy and hard-working family, and was pretty smart himself. Being smart, of course, doesn't stop him from being the most chaotic bastard you ever saw. Always getting into trouble, testing people's patience, denying authority, and just being an all-around stereotypical popular boy.

He had his moments, some would come to learn, where he could be just as nice and charming as could be expected of someone of his background. He liked looking out for the little guy, just as much as he liked egging them on in fights. Plainly put, he was a wild card.

Someone popular is always watched for weaknesses. America had plenty, not that he'd ever admit that. And when you've got that kind of target on your back, you tend to have trust issues.
There was a select few that America felt he could trust. His brothers and sister were some, but that's almost immediate because they're family. He had his best friend, Japan. The nekomimi Japan, to be precise. She had a twin brother, although he had no animal parts like his counterpart. He was nice too, but he kept company with other people that America didn't necessarily want to associate with. Oh well, he had another three people he enjoyed hanging around, which was Germany, South Korea, and Philippines.
They were all really close, the four of them. America felt he could put a lot of trust into them, especially Japan. They always talked, always hung out. What could he say? They really clicked, despite America's wariness of Japan's mother, the Japanese Empire. The lady always had a cold look and nails that could tear a hole in the fabric of time and space. Like, seriously, those things could kill. He wouldn't have been surprised if she had used them to kill, either.

Anyways, he and Japan are close. Like, super close. Almost close enough to be considered more than platonic, which he heard often. In fact, it seemed like nowadays, everytime he walked down the hall with his cat-tailed friend, his ears burned with the implications that they could be a couple. Even at home, his parents often asked him about her, obviously hinting that they'd like to see him with her.

Really, America could see himself with her. He had definitely let the idea brew in his mind a few times, but he really would rather not be with her. She was great, and he loved her, but not in the way one would expect. Unfortunately, he was sure that she might not think the same.

Japan was very affectionate, which he was used to. She was like that with a lot of people. But she seemed to be practically hanging off him now. That had him concerned.

What could he do? What should he do? Everyone seems to think they're a good match for each other, that much was obvious. What if she didn't actually like him like that, and he was just overanalyzing things? What then?

Everyone seriously expected them to be together, so why not? What's stopping them? It's not like he had his eye on anyone else. Japan probably didn't either, or she would have told him. They told each other almost everything, including crushes and love-interests. She hadn't mentioned any to him, so did that mean she didn't have one?

Well, only one way to find out.

Just before the bell for lunch rang, he approached her desk, seemingly calm, and waited till he had her attention.

"こんにちは (Konichiwa), Meri-kun! You want something?"

"Hey, Japan, I just wanted to ask you something," America said.

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