The Hell is This Shit?

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Russia knocked on the door to Germany's house and waited. A muffled, "I'll get it," came from the other side, and Russia wasn't able to place the voice. He just remembered that that wasn't Germany's voice, though.

A few thundering footsteps later, and the door was flung wide open to reveal Philippines.

"Russia! You're here!"

"Uh, yeah," he said, not knowing why exactly Philippines was here too, "I'm here. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, were all hanging out."


"Come on! We got junk food and games!"

Philippines tugged him in by his shirt sleeve and took him into a room near the back of the house, where some other countries, including Germany, were sitting around.

"Russia! What's up, dude? We were wondering when you'd show," America shouted from his seat on a beanbag, cuddled up with Japan.

"I said I be here in twenty minutes. I was three minutes early."

"Well, still. But, it's nice of you to show up."

"Sit down, eat," Germany offered. 

Germany handed him a chair to sit in and asked if he'd like a turn playing the video game that Malaysia and Indonesia were engaged in.

"Ah, maybe later. I think I just try settling in first."

"Understandable. Well, there's food and drinks if you want them."

"Thank you."

Germany nodded and was pulled into a conversation by South Korea and Japan. America offered the tall country a bottle of water.

"Want some?"

"No, I brought my own drink," Russia revealed, pulling a flask from his pants pocket and taking a swig.

"What's that like?"


"Vodka. That's what's in there, right? What's that like?"

"Is strong, but it warms body. You wouldn't like it, I think."

America shifted so he was on his knees on the beanbag.

"How do you know?"

"Is not for everyone."

"Maybe is for me," America challenged. "Let me try some."

"Are you sure? I do not want to be sending you to hospital to pump your stomach."

America grinned dangerously and tilted his head in a way that made the light on his sunglasses flash.

Does he wear those everywhere?

"I won't charge you for the hospital bill. Just let me try some?"

Russia really didn't want to give him, or anybody, any; but it might be funny to see the American choke on the hard liquor.

"Fine," he relented, "just one sip. And that's it."


Russia watched with a smirk as the American tilted his head back to drink the clear liquid, only to start coughing as soon as it hit his throat. Japan turned to see him and started patting is back.

"Meri! What did you do? What are you drinking? Oh, America! ばか(baka)!"

Russia chortled at the sight, bending over in his seat as he clutched his sides. Tears pricked his eyes, but he couldn't stop laughing. What an idiot!

America's coughing subsided enough for him to realize that Russia was laughing. At first, he was mad, and even embarrassed, but he knew it was his own fault. Through his coughing, he started laughing a little, too.
South Korea smiled and snapped a quick picture of the two. Germany looked at the picture and smiled approvingly, sharing a grin with SK.

Japan rolled her eyes and continued her previous conversation.

Honestly, what dorks.

America gave back Russia's flask, which he took another sip out of before putting it back in his pocket.

"Funny people, you Americans. Always trying to show off, and making fools of yourself."

"Hey, I'm not the only one, dude," America defended, "I'm just getting the worst attention because of my status."

Russia nodded. He understood that, but that didn't make America any less if an idiot.

"You're still little moron."

America huffed and sunk back into the beanbag. Japan's tail curled around at his feet, which caught Russia's attention.

"So, how did your little date go? Did you make great fool of yourself?"

America looked back up at him, then to Japan's back facing him, and back to Russia.

"It went great. She had a good time," he said shortly.

"That's good to hear. You had good time too, I suppose?"

"Yup. She's a great date. I'm glad I asked her."

Russia looked back down where said country's tail was still curled around America's feet.

"I'm bored, guys. Let's play something."

Germany looked up at the American's proposition. Philippines stood up and sat down near him. 

"Like what?" Phil said.

"I'm thinking we play some good ole' truth-or-dare! After that, I have another game already in mind."

America's trying to stir up some trouble, I can tell.

Russia didn't want to be part of whatever America had planned, but he always had to admit that sometimes, America could make things really interesting. With that in mind, Russia decided he'd stay for this.

"Sure, let's play," Germany said.

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