Shit's Going Down (2)

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America pulled out a large duffle bag and unzipped it, revealing the contents to be a wide array of Nerf guns and water guns.

"So, I'll begin explaining the rules, and then we can choose our weapons. I've written everyone's names on little pieces of paper, including my own, and put them in this hat." The hat he referred to was a black top hat he'd pulled from his father's collection. "Everyone will pull a name. The name you pull will be your target. Your objective is to find your target, and shoot them with your Nerf or water gun. If your target hasn't already taken down their own, you will take on their mission. Which means, you collect the name of whoever it is, they were supposed to kill, and now you have to get them. The same goes for yourself. If you're shot before you complete your mission, you give up the name, and you're out of the game. You can even kill your own assassin, even if they're not your target, but only if they're your assassin. There's no limit to how many names you can collect. This game game will take however long it takes. We start tomorrow. Anywhere is fair game. School is also not off limits. Just try not to get in trouble. I call it The Assassination Game, aka:  TAG. Does everyone get it?"

Indonesia raised his hand, "so, when is the game over?"

America grinned evilly and his sunglasses glinted. "Once everyone is dead, and one person has been left."

A low murmur spread amongst the group, tensions already high.

"Anyone who wishes not to participate, may leave now."

Nobody moved a muscle.

"Alright," America grinned, "the I do believe we can start the choosing." He went in to the nearest person, "Poland, if you'll please take a name. If you choose yours, put it back. Don't tell anyone the name."

Poland put his hand in the hat and moved it around in there for a bit. His little slip of paper came out and he read the name while America moved on to the next person.

And the hat was moved down the line, to Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Germany, Russia, Philippines, and Canada.

"Everyone have someone else's name? No one got their own name? Good! Well, as of tomorrow, we start, so, make sure y'all get some good rest. You may be on the run tomorrow."

With that said, America clapped his hands and asked what else they should do. Germany just offered to try and keep the rest if the day as chill as possible, so they all stayed in and played movies until it was almost 10:30 pm.

Around the second or third Friday the 13th movie, Russia started dozing off. From his spot on the love chair, he could see that Poland had already drifted off into sleep, curled up on one end of the sofa, America on the other end trying hard to stay awake as well.

"Maybe," Japan said, before yawning, "maybe we should just spend the night. Let's call our parents or something. I'm too tired to go home. I'll just deal with my mom in the morning."

"I agree," America said, "I don't really want to walk right now."

That said, he and Japan started on getting out their phones and calling their parents. Philip shook Poland awake while waiting for whoever he was calling to pick up. 

Seeing as he too was too tired to leave, Russia pulled out his phone, wondering if he should actually call up the Soviet Union. Playing it safe, he dialed Ukraine's number instead.

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