All the Shit we See

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"Hey, Ame. How're you feeling? You sound like you've been crying."

"Nah, just have a cough."

"Oh. Well, how do you feel?"

"I'll probably be rearing to go by tomorrow. It's not big deal."


"Really, Phil, don't worry about it."

"...Fine, but I'm still worried about you. You know none of what North said is true? She's always a bit of an ass."

"Yeah, well, explains why I'm used to it then."

"You shouldn't have to be."

"It's no big deal. How's it going with you and Vietnam?"

"Well, thanks. He's really starting to open up to me, I think."

"That's good..."

"So, about your mom's place..."

"It's still on if you guys are interested."

"Oh, good! You know, despite your mom, I am excited to go. Eat some good food."

"Oh yeah, her cooking's great as always."

"Sounds great."

"Cool. Hey, I'm gonna let you go. Got stuff I need to finish, you know?"

"Alright, , see you another time then."

"Bye Phil."

"Bye Ame."


After America hung up, he simply rolled over in his bed and stared at the ceiling, twiddling his thumbs absentmindedly.

Things will be better tomorrow. By tomorrow, I'll be over what that idiot said. By then, they'll have forgotten. By then, they'll know it's too late to ask more about it than, "how are you now?"

"...By tomorrow," he whispered.

That thought in mind, he curled into a fetal position and let the tears he'd shed before the call weigh his eyelids.
And sleep soon followed.


A few neighborhoods away, Russia was baking up a storm.
Funny, most people thought he drank all his emotions to death, but no. He usually cooked or, preferably, baked. Somehow, making food made him a little calmer. Everything was precise, and he enjoyed following a good recipe.

And of course, there was always that great, overwhelming joy in your soul when someone enjoyed you food.

Currently, he was making a nice little Марленка(marlenka)*. He'd spent all day prepping, and now he was just finishing putting it all together. When the last bit of cream had been layed down, and the final layer stacked on top, he rubbed his forearm on his forehead, took a step back, and just admired his handiwork.


"Рос(Rus), you done yet?"

"да сестра(da, sestra). I've just finished. You may have some, if you want?"

"Tак! Thank you!"

Russia chuckled at Belarus's enthusiasm. And he knew it wouldn't be long before Ukraine followed xir nose here as well.

"Very good, Russia," Belarus complimented through a mouthful of cake.

"Thank you, сестра," he smiled weakly.

"Alright, I'm here," Ukraine announced as xe walked in.

Kazakhstan was with xim, wings fluttering a little at the prospect of food.

"Доброе утро(dobroye utro), you two," Russia greeted.

Belarus just nodded along.

"What's on your mind? Random baking usually means you've been thinking a lot."

"Just coming to terms with my own idiocy--"

"Just now?"

"--and my own foolish heart."

Kazakhstan gave him a confused look. Ukraine seemed to be the same, but xe looked as though they already had a good idea of where this was going. Belarus seemed the most oblivious to it.

"What foolish heart, брат(brat)?"

"I...think I lo--" Russia choked on what he was saying. He didn't really know how to say that word yet.
"I think I like...someone."

The other three siblings just looked at their second eldest with astonishment.

Then Ukraine snickered.

"Wow. All this...for that?"

Russia flushed, "it's so terrifying! I've never liked anyone before! Well, except--"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. It's been a while."

"Yeah, but somehow this is different," Russia looked down at the cake he made.

"Well of course. It's not like you're in kindergarten anymore," Kazakhstan said with a roll of his eyes.

"Who do you like, брат?" Ukraine smirked, unbeknownst to Russia.

"I-I...I like....the American."

Ukraine grinned.
"I knew it," she whispered.

"What?! You knew? I didn't even know!"

"It's sad that it took you this long, really," Kazakhstan put in.

"Oh, America? Yeah, we all knew that."

Russia sputtered a response.

"What does that mean?!"

"Well, we kind of thought you did, cause you and him hang out a lot now. And you're so protective, too. Remember, word travels fast at school. Pretty much half of the school thought you two were secretly together, at least."

"...Who started this rumour?"

"Germany, probably. Apparently, he's been trying to get you two together for a while. Or Japan," Belarus stated once she'd finally finished her slice of Марленка.

"What the FUCK?"


A/N: My apologies for the lateness. I've been pretty busy.

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