Just Ignore Me Right Quick

315 17 23

Big Rant™, just saying. A lot of vulgarity towards the end.

Okay, so, I like America as a bottom as much as the next person. But, that doesn't mean I don't like some top America once in a while. Even with rusame, I love seeing him as a top. Now, what I don't understand is why, when you write someone as the sub, THEY HAVE TO BE FUCKING SHORT!
Where in the fucking rulebook, does it say, "all subs are short as fuck, sorry, that's the way it is."

And it's not like I'm not guilty of doing that. Hell, I'm gonna example rusame here(because it's honestly where most of this peeve comes from). In my own story, I wrote America as short, but only because of the land mass headcanon. It just makes sense to me. And I usually think of him as a sub. Idk why, it just seems better to me.
But I read stories where America is a top, and wowww. Russia's a fucking smol.
I'm not saying that you have to go by land mass. It's cool if you have your own ideas of height headcanon; but, it's a little evident that everyone automatically asumes you're a sub if you're short. I hate it.

I myself am a switch, leaning more towards a dominant, and I'm shorter than most people I know. So I don't know where people get the idea from. "short, you probably take that dick, huh?"

So, I would love seeing more short people as subs.

I'm sorry for this thing, it just really pisses me off. Next chapter will be up soon.

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