Luwin | I Miss You

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She gasped. "Winwin?" She hadn't expected him to answer her call.

"Hi," he said almost shyly. They hadn't talked in months.

"Hi," was all Lua could say. She'd spent days working up the courage to call him and even longer to write down all the things she had to tell him, but now, actually hearing his voice, all she wanted to do was break down in tears. And she did.

The loud sobs that jumped through the speaker shocked Winwin so much that he too jumped. He had been so excited when Lua's name flashed on his phone but now he was confused. Why was she crying? Did something happened to her? Another member?

Winwin bit his lip anxiously as he waited for his friend to calm down. Once her heartbreaking sobs had subsided, he gently asked if she was okay.

"I just miss you," Lua replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I haven't seen or heard from you in so long and I just... I couldn't control myself. I'm sorry."

"No. It's okay. I miss you too." Winwin imagined himself falling against Lua and her rubbing his back soothingly and then her giving him all the space he needed while they watched a movie but then not saying anything when he came crawling back for more affection. She understood he needs: that while at times he craved touch, he also required a lot of space. His lower eyelids prickled in a way that signalled tears. His heart ached longingly.

"Lua..." he whispered.

"Yes?" she replied.

"I..." Winwin faltered. What else could he say? He'd never been good with words, especially Korean ones. There were no words he knew that could properly describe the million different things he felt in this moment: his anger, his sadness, his longing, his love... The homesick-like feeling in his heart, despite being home in China.

He closed his eyes and sighed. "Can you sing a song for me?"

"Only if you sing for me after," Lua replied, mustering up a playful tone. She was almost disappointed he didn't ask to FaceTime but she knew she would only break down again. Winwin knew he would too.

So they settled on serenading each other in turn, reciting lullabies and live songs until Winwin's manager barged into his hotel room and ordered him to prepare for his next scheduled event. With a reluctant sigh, he bid adieu to his best friend and hung up the phone.

Feeling somehow worse then she had before the phone call, Lua curled up on her bed and scrolled through all the pictures she had of her and Winwin, eventually falling asleep to dream about him coming home.

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