Incorrect Quotes | 1

681 40 42

A/N All quotes from Twitter. Credits to their creaters.

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Xia: You call it a near death experience, I call it a vibe check from God

Eunji & Jihye: *nodding their heads while taking notes*

Minji, from across the SM building: WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING THE CHILDREN

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Stella: I prevented a murder today

Lua: Really? That’s amazing! How did you do that?

Stella: Self control

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Dior: Hey do you want to see a butterfly?

Aishi: Dior no-

Dior: *chucks a stick of butter across the room*

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Stella: I'm straight. I'm a tough and isolated artist. I'm a super intellectual and my IQ is so high that-

Meiyan: Hi

Stella: I'm useless and gay

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Minji, texting: Where are you??

Audrey: I'm on my way. I'll be there in 5 minutes

Audrey: If I'm not there in 5 minutes just read my last text again

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Audrey: If you had to separate your cat from 49 other identical cats that were all equally excited to see you, how would you determine which cat was yours?

Lua: I would take my fifty cats home and live like a queen

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Interviewer: What would you like to say to those who doubted your success

Melody: I hope they can see where I am now and believe in themselves too :)

Xena: How does my entire ass taste

Xia: *nodding proudly* Two types of people

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Kiyoko: I think I’m gonna go lay down-

Meiyan: Oh thank god

Kiyoko: The law! You thought I was going to bed? Capitalism never sleeps, we’re writing more songs

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Yuwon: I'm having a movie tonight. I've invited 17 people, do you wanna come?

Seoyeon: Ok but why so many people?

Yuwon: Because the dvd said "only for 18+ viewers"

Seoyeon: Wait

Seoyeon: What?

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Stella: Always remember that you are someone's reason to smile

Lua: Awww

Stella: Because you’re a joke

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Kiyoko: Nothing is free

Jihye: Love is free

Eunji: Friendship is free

Dior: Sleep is free

Yuwon: Knowledge is free

Jinri: Air is free

Seoyeon: Everything is free if you take it without asking

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Seoyeon: Whoa, Jinri looks so pretty like that

Yuwon: Don't be jealous Seoyeon, you're pretty too

Seoywon: I'm not being jealous, I'm being gay

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Melody: It says here that Kiyoko is taller than Aishi

Aishi: Maybe if we count that giant bump she has on her head

Kiyoko: But I don’t have a bump on my head???

Aishi: Yet

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Minji: And what do we say when we feel like this?

Meiyan: My illness is chronic but my tits are iconic

Minji: No

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Xena: This date is boring

Xia: This isn't a date. I told you I was going to the store

Xena: Then why did you invite me?

Xia: I specifically said "don't come with me" and you said "fuck you, I can do whatever I want" and followed me here

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This is my apology to everyone who's character I haven't used a lot yet. I will involve them! But I only update once a week so it may take time.

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