twenty - six

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Rosalie stood in front of Harry, wand at the ready as she spoke. "Just keep your mind focused on that scene, okay?" Harry nodded. She took a deep breath before casting the spell. "Legilimens."

Rosalie instantly felt her body being sucked and pulled from the real world. In a blink of an eye, she was looking through Harry's point of view. Unfortunately, it wasn't anything special as she found herself under a table with a Christmas tree of some sort blocking her view and the sound around her was distorted to the point she couldn't fully understand what was being said around her. She closed her eyes and tried her best to listen closely to what was being said. She heard McGonagall's voice first.

"You say you remember him at Hogwarts, Rosmerta. Do you remember who his best friend was?"

"Naturally," said Madam Rosmerta, with a small laugh. Rosalie remembered Rosmerta as the woman who worked at the Three Broomsticks. "Never saw one without the other, did you? The number of times I had them in here - ooh, they use to make me laugh. Quite the double act, Sirius Black and James Potter."

Rosalie couldn't help but smile at the thought, thinking about her father being young and troublesome but somehow being loved by all. She struggled to hear anymore as the voices became more distorted, Harry was struggling to stay focus. She could hear them continue talking about James and Sirius but she only picked up certain words they were saying.

"Very bright - trouble makers."

"Fred - George -" That sounded like Hagrid.

"Black - Potter - Brothers." Professor Flitwick chimed in.

Then everything stopped for a moment, stopped and now she could hear another mans voice, one she didn't recognize, loud and clear as he spoke.

"Potter trusted Black beyond all his other friends. Nothing changed when they left school. Black was the best man when James married Lily. Then they named him godfather to Harry and Rosalie. They have no idea, of course."

Rosalie felt her breath get caught in her throat. Harry wasn't lying. Sirius Black was her and Harrys godfather. For a moment she was in shock and ignored the conversation that was happening in front of her, but then she started to grow angry and it seemed so did Harry. Everything around her started to become distorted again, including their voices.

"Black - Potters Secret Keeper?"

"Dumbledore - Black - worried-"

"He suspected Black?"

"Suspected - traitor-"

"Black betrayed them?"

A sudden silence made Rosalie wonder what was happening. She heard Hagrid talking for a while but couldn't pick up anything he said. Then the unfamiliar voice came again. Explaining about how Sirius had tried to escape, but to only be comforted by Peter Pettigrew, unfortunately, he wasn't much of a duelist though and Sirius blew him -according to the man- 'to smithereens' only leaving a finger behind.

Rosalie was suddenly pulled from the scene and back into the common room opposite Harry.

"Sorry, I couldn't hold it anymore." He mumbled, sweat dripping down his forehead. She didn't reply to him, she didn't even look at him.

Rosalie felt a surge of emotions rising in her body: Fear, anger, shock, disappointment. Part of her felt defeated like her soul had been beaten down to nothing, like it didn't have enough power to keep fighting. Part of felt hopeless, like there was no point trying anymore, she was fed up of being betrayed, she felt like a fool in front of a king, a dancing monkey until he was fed up with her and killed her. Part of her felt nothing, numbness, and she thought that the information had caused her to lose touch with her emotions completely. Part of her was still unsure of it all, she saw it for herself, but part of her didn't believe it, she couldn't, she didn't want to. The information itself alarmed Rosalie, but that wasn't the reason she was feeling so many emotions at once, it was the situation that came with the information.

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