*PLEASE READ* To Celebrate 1M Reads on SATS

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In order to celebrate hitting 1 million reads on Stark And The Spider (I'm honestly still screaming) I had an idea.

I'm going to host this drawing contest thing! Don't worry, it isn't *really* based off of your drawing abilities nessecarily, but my proof reader and I will be going through the drawings and picking our favourites. I really just want to see all of your talents and it would be so incredibly cool to have pictures for my series.

If you're interested, all you have to do is:- draw something from Stark And The Spider (either a scene, characters, etc.) just don't do ONLY characters that are from Marvel like Peter etc. unless you are doing them from a scene in SATS-Take a picture of your drawing (or whatever) and upload it to a blank chapter titled 'For Stark And The Spider 1M Reads Celebration'.-Tag me in the chapter (@PjoMiraculousfangirl) and publish it.-If you want to write a message or describe your drawing in the chapter too, that's fine :-)-Reply to this message on my message board saying that you have done it (so I know to check)And that's all you gotta do! I really hope you guys are willing to do this because I am so excited! Even if drawing isn't your strongest skill, I would still love for you to try!I hope you'll enter my 'contest'! Thank you all so much again! I love you all!

(P.s. I might do something like this again for 1M votes or 1K followers)

Contest is open until August 21st 2019!!

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