PjoMiraculousfangirl's Writing Tips! (From Personal Experience)

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Hello everyone! I know I've been inactive lately and you're all waiting for a SATS update (this is not that) but hopefully this makes up for missed time! And who knows? Maybe it will help some of you!

I got the idea to write this from responding to a message from one of my readers, and I was excited to write these! There might even be a part 2 if I can think of more.

Anyways, without further adieu:

PjoMiraculousfangirl's (PjoMiraculousfangirl) Writing Tips!:

1: Don't give up. Keep writing. Even if people don't read it right away, keep writing. They'll come eventually, and if they don't, that's okay too. You write for YOU, not for them. I can't express how much my writing style has improved from writing on Wattpad. Yes, having followers that expect a weekly update from you does inspire you to keep writing, but either way, as long as you keep writing, you will get better.

2: There will be some people who might love your writing, and comment such, and there will be those who don't love it, and comment such. Don't let the haters get to you. Again, you aren't writing for them, you're writing for you. Some people are just going to hate, and that's a part of life. Move on, and you'll get better.

3: Try to do something new. Yes, people love cliches, myself included, but if you're going to write a cliche, put your own little spin on it. Something that makes it YOU. People will appreciate that, and you might like it too.

4: It's okay to be influenced and inspired by others' writing, but it is NOT okay to copy others' writing. Whether it's the idea, a quote, whatever, DON'T COPY. Copying isn't just about copy & paste, don't copy others' work. It will not work out well for you. (I have never copied anyone's work, btw, but I have had my work copied and I know how it feels. [Not nice])

5: Don't stress about making every. single. detail. perfect. It's okay if it isn't perfect, that's where you grow. Try your best and don't stress. Remember, you're doing this for fun!


There will be more tips to come eventually! Those are all that I can think of right now though. Love you all! I hope the tips help!


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