Chapter 5: Satisfaction

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A/N: Ohhh look what I have here! A new chapter!! Thank you everyone for the support and patience!  

As the sun rise, the Bagge couple and Courage were the first to wake up. As breakfast was being put together, Muriel notice that Madison and Fred were absent from the kitchen. "Oh my! They must still be asleep." She calls out to her dog, Courage. He walks in and looks up at her, worriedly. "Could you go and wake up Maddie and Fred for me, m'dear?" The dog whimpers at the mention of being near the freaky barber, but reluctantly agrees.

He decided to go up to Maddie's room first. He knocks on the door only to hear; silence? Huh. That's strange. Maybe she didn't hear and was still asleep? He slowly opens the door, when he did; he felt a sense of dread while he enters the room. She's. Not here? "M-Maybe she's in the bathroom!" He thought. To avoid running into Fred, he sneaks his way towards the bathroom, only to see that it was wide open with; nobody in there? "Oh no!" Courage starts to panic. If Madison was neither in her room nor the bathroom, then maybe she's in the shed? But, what purpose would she have to be in there so early in the morning? And there was no way she would be in Muriel's room; he was just sleeping in there an hour ago.

That leaves only one room.

He anxiously grabs his ears at the thought and ran to the guest room where Fred was sleeping. "I have a bad feeling about this, or my name is Becky, and it's not."

Courage jumps up to reach the doorknob, desperately trying to turn it. It was locked! Now thinking the worse, he starts scratching on the door attempting to get any response he can. He immediately stops when he hears a bed creek and footsteps getting closer. As the door slowly opens, he hops around frantically, afraid for the woman he considers his friend! Afraid, that he would see her without hair! And afraid; that he would be next!

However, his fear died down as soon as he sees Maddie. Her hair is intact!? She rubs her eye while using a sheet to cover her nude body. "What the h-" She instantly stops herself when she notices Courage. "C-Courage!?" She closes her eyes and shakes her head, trying to wake herself up. She shifts her eyes to show her sweet facade and crouch down, being cautious to keep the sheet up to cover herself. She smiles. "What are you doing, little guy?"

Courage jumps around, shapeshifting into a razor and various barber tools, signifying if she was alright. Surprisingly, she understood. "Huh? I'm fine sweetie, see!" She swings her hair side to side, showing that it was still attach to her head. "Now, you head on downstairs and tell Mrs. Bagge that I'll be down in a minute. And don't worry, I'll wake up Fred!" Courage was hesitant to move after he hears someone shifting in the bed. He moves to the side to get a clearer view, only for Maddie to tilt her head, blocking his sight with her hair. "Hey, hey! Don't go snooping around! I still have to straighten it out!" She pouts at him. Courage whines, still worried but nods and smiles as she pets his head.

After the little dog scampered away, Maddie closes the door and leans against it. She closed her eyes, letting out a sigh of relief. She smirks once she hears Fred groaning, slowly waking up with a smile on his face as he rubs his eye. "My dear, what was all the commotion?" She opens her eyes, now back to her devilish expression as she walks up to her barber boyfriend. She throws the sheet back onto the bed, looking at him as he blushes, seeing her naked body get closer to him. "M-Madison?" She doesn't respond. Instead, she sits on his lap and plays with his messy hair, leaning closer so he can fall back onto the bed. When she moves closer to kiss him, Fred stops her in her tracks. "M-my dear, it's a little t-too early for that, I-is it not!?" He stutters out. She backs away. "Hmm, fine. Besides, we have to go downstairs anyway." She moves off him, wraps a towel over her body and heads to the bathroom to wash up.

As she leaves, Fred took note of her hair swaying side to side. "Oh, how I would love to shave that beautiful, soft hair..." He whispers with a smile. When he thought more about it; he frowns, thinking about the repercussions he would face if he did. "She would be most unpleasant towards me if I did, wouldn't she?" He thought, letting out a sigh of disappointment. "Heeey, what's with the long face, Freddy baby?" He turns to see Maddie in her maids outfit, looking at him with concern. "O-Oh! It's nothing my dear, please do not fret over it." He looks at her, his usual creepy smile plastered on his face. Maddie was not convinced but, shrugs it off. "If you say so. Anyways, you should get ready. I'll meet ya downstairs, kay?" Fred nods and made his way to the bathroom.

*EROTICA* Who's the Freak now? Freaky FredXOCWhere stories live. Discover now